Legalize Prostitution? SHOCKING Poll Results Are In!

Jul 17


Dan and Jennifer

Dan and Jennifer

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Wow, what a ride! Two weeks ago we took a poll to see exactly how our readers feel about Prostitution. We asked: "Should We Legalize Prostitution Now?" The conversation was heated and down right amazing. Readers left many hundreds of comments all over and on the posts themselves. So just what were the results of this controversial prostitution poll?


Wow,Legalize Prostitution? SHOCKING Poll Results Are In! Articles what a ride…

Two weeks ago we took a poll to see exactly how our readers feel about Prostitution.

We asked: "Should We Legalize Prostitution Now?"

The conversation was heated and down right amazing. Readers left many hundreds of comments all over and on the posts themselves.

So just what were the results of this controversial prostitution poll?

More than 2800 of our readers spoke out and the answers will surprise you… 

The response to this poll from was so strong that it literally crashed our servers after just a few hours - oops. We’ve since upgraded our servers to handle the additional traffic that a topic like this can generate. If you did not get to Take the Legalize Prostitution Poll before, do it now so that your voice can be heard! Thank you for your patience as we recovered from these growing pains. 

Here’s the breakdown as of 5/15/2007

(We’ll update the results periodically as the numbers change.)

  • 20% of our readers (591 votes) said that it’s a Puritanical law that belongs in the 1600’s - along with witch burnings.
  • 53% of our readers (1525 votes) said that prostitution is here to stay. Let’s make it safer by regulating it, like we do other professions.
  • 13% of our readers (382 votes) don’t like it personally, but said the government has no business in their sex life.
  • 11% of our readers (328 votes) are against it for moral / religious reasons, stating it’ll be the end of moral values and decency.
  • 2% of our readers (63 votes) are concerned it will hurt babies and little kittens everywhere.

What is truly fascinating is that 86% of the people polled supported legalizing prostitution, even though many of they may not personally care for it. Only 13% of our readers were truly against it, most of them citing their personal morality preferences as the reason. 

Wow - don’t know about you, but we expected the numbers to be a little different ;-). 

It’s not exactly a close call, more of a landslide really, but it looks like support to Legalize Prostitution is strong! 

So this begs the question - how can something that is supported by such an overwhelming majority of our population be illegal? Is there such a strong religious bias and influence in government that the perceived morality of a few is the basis for the laws that govern us all?

This seems to indicate an obvious disconnect between lawmakers and the people they answer to - yes, they do work for us, not the other way around.

Take the poll
  1. If you’re one of the few who missed it, here’s the article that sparked so much conversation and controversy: Should Prostitution be Legal? Take the Poll!
  2. If you haven’t taken the poll yet, Take the Legalize Prostitution Poll to make your vote count on this incredibly controversial topic.
  3. And be sure you make yourself heard in the other hot poll of the week: Sex Poll: Would You Consider Swinging or Polyamory?