You and your spouse have tried for several months or maybe even years to repair the marriage, but each attempt proved to be unsuccessful. At this point in time, both you and your spouse are frustrated with each other and frustrated with the whole situation. You are both willing to accept the reality that it is time initiate the divorce process...
You and your spouse have tried for several months or maybe even years to repair the marriage, but each attempt proved to be unsuccessful. At this point in time, both you and your spouse are frustrated with each other and frustrated with the whole situation. You are both willing to accept the reality that it is time initiate the divorce process.
Before you initiate the divorce process, do yourself a huge favor and continue reading this article. Below is a list of four tips that if you follow them, could save you thousands of dollars on unnecessary attorney’s fees and months of time that otherwise would be wasted on divorce litigation. As your read the four tips do keep in mind that knowledge is power. Ideally, both you and your spouse will read this article and thoroughly familiarize yourself them. Once you are thoroughly familiar with them, you can them implement them into your divorce situation.
Tip Number One – Good Communication Is Priceless. At this point in time, you and your spouse probably do not want to communicate with each. The lack of communication is perfectly understandable and quite frankly, it is normal. Do take our advice though and reopen the channel of communication. Doing so will facilitate settlement discussions and hopefully lead to you and your spouse having an uncontested divorce.
Tip Number Two – Have An Uncontested Divorce. The term ‘uncontested divorce’ is lawyer jargon for ‘friendly divorce’. A friendly divorce is where you and your spouse have discussed each one of the major issues and you have reached a full and final settlement on each one of them without having to litigate the divorce in the court room.
Our advice is that you make up your mind early in the process that you are going to have a friendly divorce. By making up your mind early, you will make every effort to communicate with your spouse and to settle the major issues without having to litigate the divorce in the court room. In the case of tip number two, remember the saying ‘mind over matter’.
Tip Number Three – Keep The Kids Out Of It. Children often misinterpret statements by adults. Whenever you discuss the details of the divorce with the children, you are taking the risk that the children will misinterpret your statements and then convey the misinterpreted version of the statements to your spouse. Whenever your spouse hears the misinterpreted version of your statements, there is very high probability that your spouse will have an emotional overreaction. That emotional overreaction will cause your spouse to ‘lawyer up’. Once your spouse ‘lawyers up’, there is no turning back.
Tip Number Four – Do Not Surprise Your Spouse. During the final days of the marriage, both you and your spouse are going to experience the strong feelings of uncertainty and anxiety. Avoid adding to those negative feelings. Whenever you add to those negative feelings, you are taking the risk that your spouse will become irrational and take drastic action. That drastic action could include ‘lawyering up’. Again, just like we explained above, once your spouse ‘lawyers up’, there is no turning back. Take our advice, during the final days of the marriage and during the early stages of the divorce process, avoid surprising your spouse.
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