The Best Way to Handle Speeding Ticket Fines
If you find you have some speeding ticket fines that need to be taken care of, the best way to handle them is to hire a lawyer.
Being stopped and pulled over by a police officer for driving too fast can be an incredibly frustrating experience. Many people know how expensive speeding ticket fines can be and are not too fond of the points that go on the driving record as well. Since most traffic citations have the potential to increase your insurance premiums,

it is a good idea for you to hire an attorney that specializes in traffic laws and speeding citations to help you avoid suffering from the consequences of being caught speeding. Sometimes no matter what you do, when you are pulled over getting a speeding ticket is inevitable. There are some things that are considered common sense for you to do to help make your attorney's job of getting your speeding ticket fines reduced or dismissed easier.
When you are first pulled over, even though honesty is always respected and admired, when you are asked if you were speeding by the officer, it is best that you don't admit you were driving too fast. Anything you admit can be used against you in traffic court later. Remember to be polite to the police officer. Sometimes the officer will give you a break by writing you a ticket for going less over the speed limit than what he clocked you for by radar or laser.
Try to remember everything about the situation. By keeping track of all of the details of what happened when you received your ticket can help you when you hire an attorney and when you need to go to court. Make notes about the traffic conditions in the area. Try to recall if there were any other cars near you that were going the same speed or even faster than you were while you were driving. If you have a camera phone, taking a few pictures of the traffic conditions where you were pulled over can help your case. If you can provide evidence to bring doubt about whether or not the proper car was pulled over and cited can improve your case to have your speeding ticket fines reduced or dropped.
Before you let the officer go back to his vehicle to leave the scene, kindly ask if he can provide you with the serial and model number of the laser or radar gun that was used to clock your speed. It is your right to see the records on any equipment that was used to determine your speed when you are given a ticket. Go to a police station and request the maintenance records for that piece of equipment. Since police speed detection equipment needs to be serviced and inspected every so often, if you find that a significant amount of time has passed since it was last serviced, you may have enough evidence to get your ticket thrown out. This is a really good defense to have if you were caught speeding in a low traffic volume area. Remember, you want to reduce or get rid of any speeding ticket fines and associated points and to do so requires that some investigation is done on your behalf.