Three Criminal Offenses an Expungement Lawyer Can Help You Get Rid Of
Which criminal offenses can an expungement lawyer get removed from your record? Read on to find out.
Are you currently being charged with a criminal offense? Is your criminal offense considered a minor felony? If this sounds like your situation,

then you may be eligible for the expunging of your criminal records.
This is especially relevant for anyone who lives in one of the few states that still allows expunging of records. However, one of the main criteria that you must meet in order to have your criminal records expunged is that your criminal offense must be minor in nature. It is the goal of this article to discuss three criminal offenses an expungement lawyer can help you get rid of.
The first criminal offense an expungement lawyer can help you get rid of is a non violent drug offense under the age of 18. Even the law in America takes into account the notion that kids will be kids, which unfortunately may include involvement with minor criminal activity such as possession of and/or selling drugs. As a result of such, the court system is generally forgiving of minors who for one reason or another lack the right kind of guidance that would steer them away from getting involved in such criminal activity, affording the minor the opportunity, via an attorney, to have their records expunged.
The second offense an expungement lawyer can help you get rid of is a first offense of driving under the influence. Make no mistake, driving while under the influence is extremely dangerous and can render fatal consequences, especially when done on a repeated basis. However, isolated one time incidences, with no injury, can be dismissed depending on the circumstances of your specific case as well as the law as indicated in your state.
The third offense an expungement lawyer can help you get rid of is a charge of disorderly conduct in a public setting. Maybe at one time or another you have been out at a sporting or concert event and you or someone around you may have gotten a little too enthused, thereby causing a disturbance. Unless someone was hurt as a result of this disturbance, it is generally looked upon as a minor offense, particularly if the offender is slightly impaired at the time of the incident.
Depending on which state you live, for some criminal offenders in America, it is still possible to have your criminal records expunged. This is particularly true as it relates to what is considered to be minor criminal offenses. In other words, your criminal offense must fall within certain predetermined criteria that generally include nonviolence and first time offenses.
Specifically, there are three criminal offenses an expungement lawyer can help you get rid of, they include; a nonviolent drug offense under the age of 18, a first offense of driving under the influence and a charge of disorderly conduct in a public setting.