Truck Accident Attorney: Fighting Large Corporations And Insurance Companies
When you have a collision with a commercially operated vehicle, your truck accident attorney isn't taking on an individual driver. A lawyer must fight both the trucking corporation and possibly several different insurance companies in order for you to receive rightful compensation.
A truck accident attorney is fighting not only against wealthy corporations,

but often several insurance companies that represent the various elements that operate within the corporate body such as the vehicle, driver, and merchandise. If you've been in a collision with a commercial motor vehicle, it can be an uphill battle against several powerful entities to claim your rightful compensation for damage, pain, suffering, and hospital bills that may have been incurred due to the incident. Don't accept the first offer made by an insurance company. It is in their best interest to pay you off and shut the case when you may deserve much more.
What makes legal cases against commercial vehicle companies so complex are the several laws in place to protect all drivers on the road from negligence, recklessness, and other hazardous behavior that can jeopardize safety. Gathering evidence early is crucial to creating a strong case, which means contacting the trucking agency to receive copies of information such as driver logs, onboard data, and communication recordings that may have occurred near the time of the collision. Unlike other drivers, hired employees must adhere to strict safety guidelines. Violating even a minor term can place the fault directly with the company.
One such regulation that is a vital component of any case is the hours of service. According to federal regulations, a commercial driver is restricted in the amount of hours during a period of time that he may be on the road. A tired driver is at great risk of losing control of the vehicle, misjudging distance, or even falling asleep at the wheel, potentially causing a tragic accident. If a company forces a driver to continue working over the legal limitation for time, or the driver has exceeded it on his own accord, legal action may be taken. In general, 14 hours of consecutive driving is allowed if there has been a ten-hour break immediately preceding it. However, only 11 of those hours may consist of actual operation of the vehicle. There are some exceptions and different guidelines regarding week work periods and long-haul trips.
Companies are also responsible for maintaining vehicles properly, which includes regular inspections and repair to ensure all components are running effectively. Individual drivers are also required by law to perform checks of tires as well as the overall condition of the vehicle before commencing work and making all necessary reports. Failing to do so can result in defects that can cause the driver to lose control of the vehicle. A truck accident attorney will check all inspection records for any errors, missing entries, or blatant negligence of the regulations.
Rules and regulations set forth by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration change often, so a truck accident attorney needs to keep up to date on the latest policies to best serve their clients. The average cost of an accident involving a passenger car and a large commercial vehicle is in the six-figure range, which can quickly triple if there are any fatalities. Don't be scammed out of justice by powerful insurance companies, hire a lawyer.