5 Tips To Increase Your Website Traffic - For FREE!by Tony ... Tony Newton - All Right ... The age old ... how can I increase the ... my website, without paying for adverti
5 Tips To Increase Your Website Traffic - For FREE!
by Tony Newton
(c) Tony Newton - All Right reserved
Ahhh! The age old question, how can I increase the traffic
to my website, without paying for advertising?
Well, the sad fact is, they simply won't just turn up to
your website, without you doing something to get them
So, here are 5 free ways to increase your traffic:
1. Search Engines.
This has to be number one but it is getting increasingly
difficult to get a good position in the top 10 search
engines. So, how do you gain a good position?
Well first of all, whatever you do, for goodness sake don't
use a free submission service that will automatically
submit your site to the top 1000+ search engines.
Don't expect to get a good position (if any).
Just focus on the top ten search engines. Primarily,
they look for:
- Link Popularity.
This is the number of sites that have a link to your site.
You can increase this by contacting other related websites
and ask them to link to your site.
- Keywords.
Your keywords are placed in the tags of your
web pages. When someone types a word into a search engine,
your keywords are what the search engine looks for to see
if your site is relevant to the search. Have a look at your
competitors keywords, don't copy them but brainstorm a
little and try to think of other words or phrases people
might be looking for, that are relevant to your site.
A good site to look for popular keywords searches is:
- Keyword Rich Pages.
These are pages which provide good content and in which a
particular keyword is repeated a number of times. So that
the page gets a top ranking for that keyword.
2. Ask For Links.
Search one of the top engines for sites which would be a
suitable link to your site. Then send a personalized e-mail
to the webmaster of those sites and ask them to link to
your site. Some of them, may ask for a reciprocal link,
which means you must link to their site and in return they
will link to your site. You'll be surprised how many links
you can quickly set up.
To take this one step further, visit:
Here you can find out, how many links a particular site
So, just enter in the URL of one of your competitors and
link popularity will give you a list of all the sites that
link to them. Then visit these sites and request a link.
If they link to your competitors, then you'll have a high
chance of them linking to you.
3. Write Articles.
This is a very overlooked way to generate lots of traffic.
You simply write an article on a related subject to your
website. Include a resource box at the end of the article,
which contains a link to your website. Then send the
article to article announcement sites. Here, ezine owners
visit and simply copy your article and send it out in their
Just think for a minute about how quickly your website
URL can be placed in front of thousands of people.
Don't under-estimate the power of this strategy.
(You're reading this article, are'nt you? ;-] )
4. Signature File.
You should include a signature file on any e-mails that you
send out. This is basically a short paragraph at the end
of your e-mails that includes your name, e-mail address and
a link to your website. For example, here's mine:
Tony Newton
Learn how to create and maintain a super successful website
by visiting http://www.1stWebsiteHelp.com
Obviously, there are many variations to signature files.
You could advertise a report, website or your newsletter.
5. Newsgroups, Forums and Discussion Boards.
To use this technique, you simply hang out in related
newsgroups, forums and discussion boards. Listen to what
people are talking about, join in on discussions, answer
any questions you can. Basically, try to help people as
much as you can. Don't directly advertise your business
though because you will be banned by the group. However,
you are allowed to include your signature file in your
correspondance. Again, don't just ignore this technique.
It is an easy way to bring in more traffic.
It is often easy to overlook the simple ways to generate
more traffic.
A high amount of traffic will not come overnight but use
these techniques consistently and you simply cannot fail
to bring in those hard to find surfers!
Have Fun.
Tony Newton
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