9 Marketing tips to try today in your business
9 Marketing tips you should put into practice when owning a business
1) Business Image – The perception of your business will happen if you want it to or not. If you don’t control it from the beginning then you could end up with an image that is impossible to shake. Image is not only how things look but opinions,
beliefs, thoughts, feelings and visions of customers combined. If you take necessary steps from the beginning you are onto a winner.2) Business Branding – Everybody knows of at least one business logo that is recognisable. What you need to do is make sure your logo does just that. What you are aiming for is to be remembered by customers so try and keep it simple and unique. The image and design of your business as a whole also comes under branding so get it right and you will be remembered for all the right reasons. As your business grows so will your reputation.3) Business Promotion – You could have the best product in the world but if nobody knows about it then how are people going to buy it. It is vital you get out there and promote to make sure people come to you and not your competition.4) Market segmentation – You could try and market to everybody but that’s near impossible unless you sell oxygen. Try to target specific markets that are most likely to benefit from your products and services. The usual market segments are age, region, price, and gender.5) Direct Mail - Posting is not out yet, and sending out letters is still just as effective as an email if not more. Having something to hold in your hand can be a better form of marketing than reading something on a computer screen. 6) Telemarketing – You don’t have to bombard people with phone calls, in fact a small spot of market research or a courtesy call every now and then can do wonders for your business. Offer something for free or just check how your current customers are. Chances are by the end of the call in most cases some kind of sale will have been made and without having to cold call and hard sell and pressure people into buying. If you initially go into the call with no intention to sell something, the person you are calling is more likely to speak to you.7) Internet Marketing – Most businesses have a website but it’s what gets done with it that counts. You could leave your website to get lost online or you could market it correctly with expert help, generate so much more profit and all whilst being recognised digitally. Many people are online longer than any other thing they do in the day so reach out to them.8) Sales and Selling – Without sales you don’t have a business, and to get sales you need the right attitude. Unless you have a product that is so essential it sells itself you will need to put in some work. Your attitude is everything and being positive and confident of what your products and services are will boost your sales. You can control your attitude easily so maintaining positivity is the key when it comes to selling.9) Test and measure – No matter how many marketing attempts you try you will need to keep a record of the outcome. You will then have a clear indication of what is working best for you and can use it again and scrap those that aren’t effective.