Blogging Tips - 4 Tips to Increase Dramatically Traffic to Your Blog
Most important blogging tips that will skyrocket your blog traffic. Everyone can start own blog and it can be very lucrative. Apply these tips and you will benefits and profit long term from your blog.
Blogging become extremely popular nowadays. Everyone is starting own blog,

own personal journal online. People like to read people's opinions about different topics. That's what blogging is all about, sharing thoughts, opinions and concerns. Every internet marketer knows that blog can be great for getting high listing in search engines. Search engine spiders love blogs because of fresh content they provide. In this article I would like to share with you top blogging tips to increase traffic to your site from today!
- Social bookmark sites - anytime you add new post to your blog, bookmark this page to social bookmark sites. You can use sites like onlywire or socialmarker to add faster to all top social bookmark sites. Your posts will gain more backlinks, also additional traffic and better and faster listing in search engines. Always remember to add to top sites: Digg, Redit, Delicious, StumbleUpon and Propeller. If you will participate in these sites, add many bookmarks, comment on other people's bookmarks, your own bookmarks will be more valuable. In this ways you will be able to gain more traffic.
- Social network - another blogging tips that can bring you good traffic is to create profile in Myspace, Facebook, Direct Matches, Yuwie. There is special section called bulletins. When you will write new post you can send link to it. Depends on how many friends do you have in your profile, you will get more additional traffic. In some social network sites like Yuwie you can also add rss feed to your profile, so when someone will visit your profile, will see links to your last posts.
- Optimize you blog posts - make a full use of search engine optimization to your blog. This blogging tip is very important. You will benefit from your optimized blog after time. That's why it's a key to start to optimize your blog as soon as possible. Find few keywords and 1 main one and repeat it in your blog titles, posts. Also gain backlinks from other sites using in anchor your keyword.
- Next blogging tip I want to stress to you is to spread your rss feeds to different blog directories. Remember to ping your bog every single update. Add to pingomatic. Make Squidoo and Hubpages pages and include your rss feeds. It will automatically update rss feeds when you will update your blog. It's really powerful, the more backlinks the better results.