Building On A Budget - How To Generate Endless Leads For MLM Even If You Have Little Money To Spare
If you are stressed about money for your business, you need to read this.
If you have limited funds you may feel like you’ll never see the top with your MLM venture. However,

you just need to know how to generate endless leads for MLM even if you have little money to spare. This will let you get lots of traffic to your website for no cost at all. Making simple changes to your website and testing the results with splittesting, testing your conversion rates between your websites, can show you how to generate endless leads for MLM even if you have little money to spare. When you are building on a budget, upping conversion rates means getting more leads, essentially for free, from your existing marketing efforts with a simple split testing software and small changes. An example of a conversion sparking changes to your website that cost you little time and no money can be illustrated by just changing the way your ‘opt in’ box appears. Create your first test page with a simple opt in box and ‘join now’ button for example, Then you create the same opt in page but change your opt in button to say ‘free instant access’. In a sample test of this method the second example created 22% more leads than the first opt in page. Now make a third opt in page and add an animated red arrow pointing to your new ‘ free instant access button’ and add test that page to your splittesting against example 2. The sample test shows another increase in conversions of 23%. This equates to a 45 % increase in leads with little time and no money. This example shows how you can generate endless leads for MLM even if you have little money to spare and you’re building on a budget. As well, by changing something as simple as your headline on your pages, you will see dramatic results when you look at your conversion rates with splittesting. Test between 3-10 headlines, one at a time. Leave the color and font the same but change the wording and test which one brings in more leads. As well try a test between background colors for your page using the same method. Perform these tests independent of one another. You must also be sure to test with the correct amount of traffic. Make sure to have no less than 150 visits per page before choosing which is the best converting page. When you are building on a budget, making sure that it stays on track when you are trying to grow your business is essential. There are resources available for splittesting software to help you generate endless leads for MLM even if you have little money to spare. Google optimizer is completely free as long as you have a Google adwords account which is also free. Hypertracker is another way to keep track of what pages are converting better, however this resource is about $20.00 per month.