This article aims to dispel the confusion that every network marketing distributor experiences at some point. We will explore the top four reasons why people fail in network marketing and provide four insider secrets to help you avoid these pitfalls and market like an MLM pro. For a more comprehensive understanding of "Mastering the Art of MLM Marketing: Insider Tips and Tricks", please visit our website.
The primary reason most people fail in network marketing is simply a lack of leads. New distributors are often advised to "make a list" of close friends and family to pitch their products or opportunities to. This strategy, while successful in the late 70's and 80's, is less effective today. Many people have been burned by this technique in the past or simply do not feel comfortable targeting their immediate circle. So, what's the solution?
We recommend using a proven lead generation and support services company like ProSTEP. With over six years in business, ProSTEP is an industry insider secret for supplying fresh, MLM-specific leads. Imagine having anywhere from 150-1050 of these leads funneled to you and your downline each month. All of these leads have expressed an interest in starting a home-based business and tend to be very responsive and open-minded.
Unfortunately, many people in network marketing never receive the support and training they need to truly become an MLM Pro and earn significant income.
Expose yourself to ProSTEP's progressive, cutting-edge training in sales, marketing, and use of technology. View ProSTEP as your adopted upline, providing access to training calls, autoresponders, and a complete archive of training done by top professionals in the industry.
Not understanding the importance of having a simple, highly duplicatable system to funnel their prospects is another reason people fail.
Learn how to precisely sift and sort through your leads and improve your conversion rate of prospects to distributors from an industry average 5% to a whopping 50%.
People simply run out of money. This is one of the least talked about subjects in our industry.
Drop your advertising budget to zero by getting free leads each month, plus create a secondary profit center within your existing MLM opportunity.
In conclusion, our mission is to help you get your ProSTEP leads for free, help you understand how to access all the ProSTEP tools and training, and show how you too, can earn a significant secondary income if you desire, by promoting ProSTEP to others.
This article was written by Andy Hummel and Jim Lewis, both Master Consultants with ProSTEP, Inc as well as the co-founders of Wealth Builders International (WBI), the fastest and largest growing organization in ProSTEP. They are both full-time network marketers with ProSTEP and have over 20 years of industry experience between them.
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