Mixing marketing with soul can be like mixing oil and vinegar but if you lean towards marketing with more soul, it will actually get you results.
The idea of mixing effective marketing with soul can,

for some, seem like trying to mix oil and vinegar. If your marketing is angled to get results, then isn’t it too “hard sell” to be soulful; but if you lean towards giving your marketing more soul, will it actually reap results?
Clearly, there are tons of marketers out there who have zero soul. It’s all about reaching their numbers and they couldn’t care less about what they sell or who they sell it too.
But as distasteful as what those people do is, it would be a mistake to think that is what marketing has to look or sound like.
Honestly, I think that BECAUSE you are a soul-preneur™ you’re actually in a BETTER position to market in a way that is amazingly effective, powerful AND speaks from your heart.
While I’ve always been authentic in how I run my business, it wasn’t until just a few years ago that I finally figured out HOW to artfully blend marketing and soul so that my business continues to grow and thrive, AND, I’m staying true to my integrity and the heart of my soul.
Clearly, the system I’ve figured out works, since my business has now skyrocketed into 7-figures and the same strategies have helped a number of my clients slide right into 6-figures.
But since many soul-preneurs don’t know how to comfortably or confidently weave together the marketing tactics proven to work, with the powerful, emotional language of our spirit, I want to give you three AUTHENTIC tips you can use right now so your marketing message has a clear, specific impact, AND, always speaks the truth of who you are.
Marketing and Soul Tip #1 - Always Tie Your Client Results Back To Your Bigger “Why”
Each of us has a bigger “WHY” that motivates us to do what we do. But when you speak or write about client results, do you tie in those results to your bigger why? If not, you’re missing out on helping your listener or reader link practical results with an authentic, compelling emotion.
For example, my bigger “why” is because I want people to love who they are and what they do. That’s my Soul’s Divine Purpose™. I link that to the marketing message of “putting more money in your purse.” So every time I write or speak about a client success I make sure to mention not only how much more they’re making, but how they’re making more doing what they love, with the clients they enjoy best.
Marketing and Soul Tip #2 - Ask For The Sale From A Place Of Love
If you normally shy away from asking for a sale (or writing a clear call to action in your sales letter or newsletter) then you’re not letting yourself love your potential client enough to help them. Stop holding back and instead give your reader or listener a clear, specific step to take that moves them closer to making a purchase so you can be of service to them.
Marketing and Soul Tip #3 - Include Words That Represent Your Integrity Into All Of Your Marketing Copy
Of course you have great values and integrity but how often do you specifically weave those words and phrases into your marketing?
For example: My values include honesty, high-quality, reliability, passion, energy and constant forward motion.
So, in every article, Tweet, blog post or presentation I make sure these values are clearly expressed. I don’t just tell people my values (which no one would really take an interest in); I PROVE them by speaking FROM the place of those values. I use words that describe my core values within each article or blog post. Or I write about situations where those values were challenged and upheld, no matter what. And of course, the client stories I tell confirm I’m someone who walks her talk. This creates trust, credibility and a consistently authentic sense of who I am to my reader or listener.
Marketing With Soul Is Simple If You Remember This…
You don’t have to choose between marketing effectively and being “real.” You only need to remember that marketing is connecting with people and helping move them forward into action. So keep focused on the ONE action you want them to take, then connect to your compelling reason why they must take this action.
You’ll quickly find that you’re easily and authentically marketing with soul…and with the results to prove it!