The List is what every MLM company has on their quickstart manual. To me it is the reason over 90% of allnetwork marketers fail! Now this is going to raise someeyebrows, and I welcome any comments, but I stand by thatstatement. If most companies teach this and that manypeople fail… humm you connect the dots!
Today like about 4 or 5 days a week I was eating lunch atCalistoga (Panera on Steroids). I go there because theyhave the best French Onion Soup in the world, awesomemusic, great atmosphere, and Free Wi/Fi! What more do youwant for a great place for lunch.
The List is what every MLM company has on their quickstart manual. To me it is the reason over 90% of allnetwork marketers fail! Now this is going to raise someeyebrows, and I welcome any comments, but I stand by thatstatement. If most companies teach this and that manypeople fail… humm you connect the dots!
The reason that this way to market your business doesn'twork for most people is that most people don't know enoughpeople that would even be inclined to do network marketingor that would even be interested in starting their own homebased business. Then if the people you know like the ideaof network marketing… do they like the particular businessthat you are doing? I mean someone that might like to sellvitamins might not like the idea of selling life insurance.There is just too much stacked up against you if you areonly going to market to the people that you currently know.
Then there is the issue of whether you know enough peoplethat are business oriented or just like the idea of aregular paycheck they get from a job. Even if you know alot of top people that want to do what you are doing… doyou think they are going to be as persuasive as you? Whatends up happening in a situation like this is that yourorganization grows at first from your efforts and then itstarts to dwindle. It ends up looking like a diamond…small at the start, big in the middle, but then it tappersoff at the bottom.
No if you are interested in growing your business fast youmust target the market you are going to hit. What would bethis target market? Well just like an NBA, NFL, MLB teamtargets people that not only have shown they like thatsport… they look for people that are great at that sport. What they diffidently don't do is go after friends andfamily to come play for their team… that would beridiculous.
So you too must look for other people that have showninterest in MLM, that have the qualities that would makethem a good team player, that have some of the skill theywill need to be successful. How do you find them? Wellthere are three ways. If you have been around the industryfor a while you might have met people you might want to dobusiness with. However, most of us don't have list ofnetwork marketers big enough to make this a real option. Second, you can purchase genealogy lists. These list aremade up of people that have been involved in a MLM companythat has gone out of business. You can find these listsall over the internet. They are usually very inexpensiveto buy, and can contain many Network Marketers that wouldbe willing to take a look at your opportunity. However,because so many of these lists are either old or overworked you will have to spend many hours on the phonegetting wrong numbers, people that have already foundanother MLM company, or people that are no longerinterested in network marketing.
If you and your downline can become dialing machines fornine months to a year and don't mind the wrong numbers thismight be an option for you. But, most people don't likegetting on the phone and calling. So if you don't likemaking a ton of phones calls, for as long as it takes... youhave one more true option that doesn't involve crazy thingslike passing out flyers at the Wal-Mart parking lot, or putting up illegal signs at every traffic light in your neighborhood. The last and truly the best option is to use the internet asa tool to attract network marketers to you. Networkmarketers that are actively looking for a company, is yourtarget market, and the internet is full of them. What youneed is a system that attracts that particular segment ofthe internet to you. There are people that have masteredthis system to the point that they never have to call aprospect. The prospect either contact them first or inmany cases they actually join you team before they evencall you!
If you would like to find more information on how to neverrun out of highly targeted leads that will seek you outinstead of rejecting you… read the resource box bellow.
Target Your MLM Clients With Internet Marketing Precision
The truth has to be told! The days of dropping off business cards at gas stations, leaving flyers off at a Wal-Mart parking lot, putting up signs at light poles and stop signs, making a list of 100 close friends, and talking to everyone within a three foot circle around you are OVER!10 Easy Steps to Automatic MLM Recruiting - Revisited - Part 1 Article Marketing
Several Weeks ago I wrote an article on 10 Easy Steps To Automatic MLM Recruiting. It described how to combine online affiliate marketing and network marketing together to form the future of Network Marketing... rejection free magnetic sponsoring. The first Step was to drive traffic to a Lead Capture Page either from free traffic sites, article marketing, or Pay Per Click campaigns like Google AdWords. Today I will be talking about Article Marketing.In Network Marketing Do Not Pay Attention the Crazy Person Waving Their Hands at You!
Have you ever watch a basketball game. When one of the players of a visiting team gets a free throw... what does the crowd do? They make a lot of noise and if you are seated right behind the basket you wave everything and anything you have in hopes you can distract the player from making that basket. Have you ever felt that way in your network marketing business? Everyone wants your attention!