Internet Network Marketing Tips - How To Attract Hungry MLM Prospects In 5 Easy Steps

Jan 13


Dean Caporella

Dean Caporella

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Did you know that unless you're using the internet to attract prospects into your network marketing business you will struggle to see worthwhile growth? We reveal why in this informative report.


There are several internet network marketing tips that you need to be implementing in your business for best results. The core reason for promoting a network marketing business on the internet is to get prospects into your funnel without wasting time and effort chasing them down.

The attraction marketing process is such that prospects will respond to carefully placed messages and seek you out for further information. How do you do this?

Let's take a look at the old methods firstly. You join a company,Internet Network Marketing Tips - How To Attract Hungry MLM Prospects In 5 Easy Steps Articles make a list, contact the people on the list and then invite them to an opportunity meeting in a few days. This is supposed to give you the kick start you need but the truth is, it rarely does and most people are just too intimidated to try it.

Internet Network Marketing Tips

Let's take a look at the attraction marketing process and a better way to find interested prospects.

1. You create web properties. This is be in the form of a website, blog or web 2 sites. We recommended starting with a blog.

2. You put content on your site related to your niche. Whether it's health or technology related, the content needs to educate your readers rather than sell.

3. Once your site is up you then start promoting. Write articles and submit them to article directories, bookmark your pages, submit your RSS feeds, place comments on authority blogs related to your niche.

4. Create a web 2 campaign using sites such as Squidoo, Hub Pages, Wetpaint, Ning and Multiply linking them back to your main site. Remember, the information you place on these sites should be of an educational nature and not hard sell.

5. You then promote your web 2 sites by bookmarking and submitting RSS feeds.

The difference here is you are creating your web 2 properties based around specific keywords so you're actually targeting your audience. In other words, you're placing your message in front of people who are actually looking for it and ready to receive it.

As far as internet network marketing tips go, this is the basic outline of the attraction marketing process and unless you're using it then you will be left at the starting blocks as we head into a new era of network marketing promotions.