In the digital age, offline advertising can still be a powerful tool for promoting your online business. However, the cost of traditional advertising mediums like newspapers, radio, and television can be prohibitive. This article explores an affordable and effective offline advertising strategy suggested by Mr. D, a seasoned business advisor.
Sharon, an online gift shop owner from Houston, is preparing for the upcoming holiday season. She is interested in exploring offline advertising options to boost her business. However, she finds the advertising rates for local newspapers, radio stations, and TV stations to be exorbitantly high. She reaches out to Mr. D, seeking advice on cost-effective offline advertising resources.
Mr. D acknowledges that offline advertising can be a potent way to promote an online business, but it can also be quite expensive. He shares a strategy used by some savvy online business owners that is both effective and affordable.
They use a word processing program to create handbills promoting their web business and distribute them in large quantities. The only costs involved are the paper and toner for their copy machine. The distribution cost is their time, which they enjoy spending outdoors each week. It's not only a great way to advertise but also a fantastic form of exercise.
They distribute these handbills door-to-door and place them under the windshield wipers of cars parked at various malls. Mr. D suggests Sharon give this method a try, but also reminds her to check the local laws regarding such activities.
Mr. D encourages Sharon to try this low-tech form of advertising and share her experience. He promises to share her story with his readers, potentially inspiring more online business owners to explore affordable offline advertising options.
Here is a link to an article on that provides more ideas for affordable offline advertising. And here is another useful resource from Business News Daily.
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