Party Dresses For Women
"Apparel makes half the man" as quoted by William Shakespeare the clothes you wear speak volumes about you as a person so while choosing party dresses...
"Apparel makes half the man" as quoted by William Shakespeare the clothes you wear speak volumes about you as a person so while choosing party dresses for women you just not need to look into detail your body type and structure or the cut and style or the dress or whether the dress is in latest fashion or not,

a very important aspect that we often ignore while choosing party dresses for women is the color of the dress. You may have selected the correct dress according to your body type you may also have chosen the right dress according to the current fashion but sometimes that dress still may not appeal it may be missing on something it may be nice but not perfect as it may lack the oomph factor in it!! The first thing that we react to when we look in an outfit the most instinctive thing is it's color if the color of a dress is not appealing then the dress can never earn those brownie points, the color you choose to wear can instantly make to look slimmer leaner healthier and appealing this is because we react to color before everything else, and that is why it is so important. We react to color on instinct let's look at how to use color in your dress to project a better image of yourself to all those you meet.
SYMBOLIC MEANING OF COLORSOur society has made several symbolic meaning of colors so every time you see a color you associate with something that is symbolic to colors. This totally depends on the type of society and place you live in for example the color red is associated with marriage and prosperity in Indian society whereas in many other societies of the world the color may be associated with danger and bloodshed as in the roman society where red is considered as the color of blood which as be rooted to the Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar. Whereas the color white is considered with the color of purity and also to death and morning in the Indian society and should never be worn in a wedding whereas in the western society white is the color of god and all the bridal gowns are white. Therefore while choosing party dresses for women do keep in mind the symbolic meaning to that color in your society as well as the occasion on which you have to wear it.
COLOR GIVES ILLUSION Colors are responsible for giving illusions and playing with the appearance for your body mass for example black can make you look very slim and lean whereas white can make you look broad. In general all the light colors make you look of a bigger volume so if you are very skinny opt for a lighter color when choosing party dresses for women whereas all the dark colors make you look slimmer so if you are bulky opt for darker colors which make to look lean and slim!!