Who Benefits From Online Content Distribution?
Online content distribution is a very effective marketing strategy that remains popular as others may come and go! Read on to see why content marketing remains so popular and exactly who benefits from it and why! What you discover may surprise you!
Online content distribution is a very effective marketing strategy that continues to remain popular even as many other strategies tend to fall out of favor. Article or content marketing are basically synonymous being they both supply useful information to the always hungry search engines. When you stop and think about it,

information is what the internet is all about! In addition to the search engines however there are others who benefit from the submission of useful information as well!
The Content Creator
The author or creator of any useful information is obviously going to benefit from the standpoint of the exposure it will bring them. Every author has their reasons for circulating what they have composed be it to simply share or as is often the case to generate traffic. In any event along with exposure these people will also benefit from becoming known more as an authority in the field every time they publish something new! Now a certain amount of influence will also accompany their new found authority allowing them to be more effective marketing any goods or services if that is their intention!
Those in Search of Content
Most anybody engaged in any type of commerce online is in need of content, and on an ongoing basis! Some people need material to update their blogs while others are in need of any useful information they can find relevant to their business! People who engage in content marketing are aware and agreeable to any of these individuals or businesses making use of what they have published. The 'catch' is that the content must be used 'as is' by others with every existing link intact! Now everybody wins! Those in need of written material relevant to their needs do not have to invest the time or effort to create it. On the other hand the creators themselves benefit from the increase in exposure they receive appearing on blogs, ezines, newsletters and even websites all across the net. One hand washes the other in regards to how this sharing of information works!
People in Search of Information
Make no mistake it is these people that are the driving force behind the need for useful information since it is they in search of answers and knowledge. Businesses, bloggers, article marketers and the like are needed solely to satisfy the needs and curiosity of the people for whom the search engines exist and more or less 'work' for! Information seekers in the vast majority of cases do not care what you sell or the business you represent. Their interest is primarily getting their questions answered, expanding their knowledge or satisfying their own curiosity! It is these people who fuel the need for informative and useful material and around whom writers and marketers alike base their content creation efforts. This is one domain the people truly rule!
Content distribution serves a purpose online insofar as it supplies useful information that the search engines can store in their ever growing library of knowledge. Circulating anything informative online is also a very effective marketing strategy as well as the fact that it benefits more than just the search engines. Our discussion above reviews 3 other beneficiaries of the content marketing efforts that continue to help feed the internet with new and useful information. It is because so many have a need for or benefit from these efforts that content marketing remains as popular as it is today! Like any product, if there is a demand there will continue to be those to offer the supply.