Do You Have a Silent Salesperson Working for You?
Logos on shirts and other forms of advertising specialties can produce sales that you would otherwise never had.
So often we hear and read about our web sites being silent salespeople,

always at the ready to tell visitors about our companies. Well, web sites aren't our only silent salespeople. In fact, there is one that has been around for decades. It's inexpensive and can be responsible for many people visiting your web site and/or doing business with you.
This came to mind last night at a mastermind group I facilitate. One of the members mentioned that his silent salesperson had initiated a transaction two days earlier. I chuckled to myself because I realized that I had my silent salesperson sitting there with me as he was telling the story.
The funny thing about this "employee" is that it is widely implemented in some industries and barely used in others. Some people use it sparingly, while others -- like me -- use it as much as possible.
So who is this silent salesperson -- this employee who works so diligently in your favor? It's your logo. Well, not just your logo. It's your logo on your shirts, your attache case, your laptop cover. etc.
In the case of shirts, for years service companies have been having their shirts embroidered with their logos. In fact, many service people never leave the house on a weekday without wearing such a shirt. Come to think of it, I believe the person at mastermind wears a shirt with his logo on it seven days a week. It may be a button-down oxford, a polo, or a t-shirt, but his logo is prominently displayed.
As for me, I have about 20 shirts with my logo on them. Quite often, the shirt I wear under a suit has my logo on it. During the times I have the jacket off, my logo silently demands attention and has prompted more than a few people to ask about my business.
Do you wear shirts with your logo on it? If not, is it appropriate to do so? If it is and you don't have any, how soon are you going to get some? What about hats, laptops, bags, anything that you can wear or carry that proudly promotes your business? You'll be amazed at the success this marketing tactic has to offer you.