Indicators of SEO Success
Unless your numbers zoom through the roof and even then, it’s difficult to know whether you’re SEO campaign is working. Read on to learn more about the indicators of success in SEO.
Unless your numbers zoom through the roof and even then,
it’s difficult to know whether you’re SEO campaign is working. Some businesses simply take off after a period. Of course, a high increase in sales or visits to your website is still a good indicator, even though it can come from other factors, but that’s not the only way to judge whether the campaign aims you in the right direction. It also may not be immediately apparent, giving you second thoughts on your advertising route.
One method of tracking your success is to follow your rankings in search engines. The higher your ranking, the more likely you will be of attaining the results you want. Normally, people don’t click on articles beyond the first page or even the first few sites. They only do that if they can’t find what they need immediately. An increase in rankings is one sign you’re on the right track. Don’t be disappointed if your site or article isn’t in the top few immediately. That takes time. As long as it’s going upward, it’s good.
Site activity, as mentioned previously, is another sign you’re making headway. If you have an online store, your visitors may not purchase anything, but it does improve the potential for sales in the future. Getting the public to notice you and potentially bookmarking your site is the first goal. Sales will follow if that happens, in most cases.
There are exceptions to the previous rule. You want the right type of visitors that can use your product or service. If you see a huge increase in visits, but purchase increase, after a period you need to rethink the type of people your SEO words attract. The goal is to increase your income. If you watch a slight growth initially, it may be enough to continue on the same path.
You can use search engine results to find other information. Look for other sites, such as forums or blogs, which mention your business. The more you see your business site named in a public arena, whether social networking or blogosphere, the better the chance your SEO campaign is working in a positive manner.
The use of Google analytics to track your success is just one more aid to help you discover your success. You can use the various analytics to track conversion goals. You can track thank you pages, sales confirmation pages, the “About Us” page at your site or even articles you’re using to drive business to your site. All these give you specific information that’s valuable in measuring your SEO campaign success.