You can now track any advertising campaigns, from typical Pay Per Click to banner campaigns or paid listing in web archives. Keyword tracking is also available.
The Return On Investment Tracking will simply, and affordably assist you in finding out whether your advertising campaigns brings you paying customers or just happening in visitors. ROI Tracking offers real-time reporting that brings each of your advertising to conformity with the campaign origin, containing unlimited number of actions.
ROI tracking and reporting can support the evolution of your website into an efficient, effective marketing powerhouse, lowering the cost of getting visitors to your site and converting them into customers. Below some of the ways accurate, detailed ROI tracking and reporting can apply to your online marketing.
Search engine optimization results - Bid management and keyword selection are more effective when you have hard data to back your decisions. Compare results from organic search engine ranking, paid inclusion, and pay-per-click ads to hone your search marketing strategy.
Online sales analysis - Detailed tracking gives you insight into the effectiveness of your online sales channel. Find where customers abandon shopping carts. See which products may need better descriptions, which promotions didn’t meet conversion goals—and learn how to improve sales.
Online marketing campaign performance - Evaluate conversion metrics and response results from email marketing, online advertising, and affiliate and partner programs. Duplicate campaign successes, avoid costly mistakes.
Customer segmentation - Identify differences in behavior, objectives, and preferences within your audience. Target your most valuable customer segments with the right messages. Know how to treat customers from each segment to build and retain a strong customer base.
Customer support performance - Optimize your online customer support channel with metrics that show visitor paths and conversions. You’ll be better equipped to improve customer satisfaction for online issue resolution, reducing the cost of support.
The ROI tracking system can track the following type of online advertisements:
ROI Tracking every spent dollar will dramatically increase your profitability, longevity, and marketing punch. Below is the list of features of the ROI Tracking -
What is cloaking?
In cloaking human reading the site would see different content or information than the Googlebot or other search engine robot reading the site.Doorway Pages
Doorway pages are often easy to identify in that they have been designed primarily for search engines, not for human beings.Importance of Sitemap
Sitemaps provide a way for Web sites to specify what pages within the site should be indexed and what new content has been added. Basically, it provides a communication channel between the search engine and the site.