Using SEO as a Powerful Internet Marketing Tool
SEO is not anymore new for all internet marketers. It is one of the basic things that must be kept and learned by each aspiring internet marketer. However, if you are not familiar with the basics of SEO, you will find difficulty in achieving your marketing goals.
It is one of the basic things that must be kept and learned by each aspiring internet marketer. However,

if you are not familiar with the basics of SEO, you will find difficulty in achieving your marketing goals. Before focusing on SEO, the first thing that an Internet marketer should know is the search engines. Some of the widely used search engines are Google, Yahoo, and MSN. If you are searching something online, these are the first and only option. All you have to do is type the keyword on the search box. And when click the "search button", you will be diverted to the page with the list of resources related to the keyword you typed. Since search engines have been famous for all online users, Internet marketers think of it as one of the fundamental tools of acquiring consumers. That is where SEO started. The birth of SEO has been considered as vital element on Internet marketing.SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimization is the process of creating web pages that has high page rank on the specific search engine result. It is done through optimization of some elements and section in the HTML section of every page. The ranking will be according to the level of website optimization. There are different ways by which a certain webpage can be optimized. These methods depend on the type of website, contents, its purpose and the major competitors. Generally, SEO is highly dependent on the use of the keywords, title and the description of the website. Most likely you'll also wonder how SEO affect the ranking of your website. If you look for a word in the internet, you will notice that there are some highlighted words on the list of displayed resources. The exact keyword you placed in the search box is the one that is being used by the webmaster in optimizing the page. Though this might be not as important to that of the reader, it is as valuable as gold for the internet marketer who wishes to have their site rank on top of the pages. The keywords place a very important role in a website. Such keywords will appear on title part of the webpage. Furthermore, the keywords that will appear in the meta description section should really describe the content of the site, its products and services.Since SEO is keyword dependent, internet marketers should be carefully plan all keywords to be used. The main anchor text or keywords must appear on the first three paragraphs of the content. There's a certain keyword frequency as to how many times the keyword should appear on the whole content. This will depend on the total number of words of the entire content. But it is still important to take note on the proper usage of the keywords. For most SEO experts, the ideal keyword frequency is 3-5 keywords for 300-400 words content. Maximizing of keywords is not advisable, since it may lead to redundancy of the content. And this may badly affect the quality of the content as well as the credibility of the site. A keyword that has the standard frequency will help on the optimization of your site. Another thing to be considered in internet marketing SEO is the number of back links your site have. This is highly important because the spiders crawl through this links. Thus, this may help boost the ranking of your site. These are just the basics of internet marketing using SEO as the tool in promoting your website online. SEO is undeniably a great tool in internet marketing. If you know how to handle it, you'll surely be successful in your career.