Do you ever let your "buts" get in the way of living your dreams? I think we all fall into this at times.
If we aren't careful, we can "but" ourselves right out of our own potential! Many times, we may not even be aware how often these excuses rear their ugly little heads in our lives. Make a mental note to be more consciously aware of any time this excuse comes up. One simple exercise is to change the BUT to the word AND.
Wow, look what a difference one little word makes! Using the word AND gives you the opportunity to be accountable to do something about it, instead of being a victim and putting the problem outside your control. Only you have the power to change your circumstances by changing your statement of them.
Try this exercise: list on paper any goals, dreams or projects that you are having trouble following through with or that you regret not accomplishing. See how often that feeling of “BUT I can't do that because...” comes up. Here's the fun part—simply discard the word BUT and replace it with AND, then complete the sentence with a positive ending. Simply put, BUT closes the door. AND opens the door. Now the door is open…trust yourself and walk through it!
Lessons From a Puzzle
One of my favorite holiday traditions is piecing together jigsaw puzzles! From Thanksgiving until around the first week in January, my dad always had ...Raise Your Vibration
How to keep your vibration strong and positive.Do Crystals Really Heal?
People ask me all the time what I think about crystals. There seems to be some controversy about this subject, but I think crystals are fabulous. ...