How To Deal With A Break Up When Your World Has Fallen Apart
When the relationship goes bad and you suddenly find yourself figuring how to deal with a break up, you may like feel the pain will never be over. Your emotions may be running so high so that you feel you will be an emotional wreck for the rest of your life, and never get over the breakup.
When the relationship goes bad and you suddenly find yourself figuring how to deal with a break up,

you may feel the pain will never be over. Your emotions may be running so high so that you feel you will be an emotional wreck for the rest of your life, and never get over the breakup.
Many of these feelings occur due to the embarrassment we feel from being broken up with. This is a natural way to feel and the only way to rid ourselves of it is to accept and even embrace the embarrassment in order to be able to let it go.
You may find yourself feeling angry and resentful to your former partner, again, this is perfectly natural. Allow yourself to feel these emotions, however be sure you only let your anger out in an appropriate environment.
If you want to scream and ball your eyes out then rather do it at home or at a friend's house. Do not be silly and let your resentment out on your ex lover. So what if they hurt and made you feel vulnerable! That does not give you any right to try get back at them. Just take my break up advice - getting even will not make you feel better.
Self blame is also a common emotion that people experience during a break up. You may find yourself thinking 'What if I had of' or 'Should I have done this'; refrain from thinking thoughts such as these.
The break up is nobody's fault and there is nothing that you could have done to avoid it. In fact, the break up was a sign that the relationship was failing, so avoiding the break up would have simply prolonged the agony. And it would have prevented you and your ex partner from enjoying a healthier, happier relationship with someone more compatible.
Eventually, your ex partner may find a new love interest. This will bring the wave of emotions back into play; again you may feel anger and resentment towards that person. Remember- allow these feelings to occur and express them in an appropriate and healthy way.
Having feelings and being hurt is what makes us human. And everybody hurts at some stage in their lives, but it is how you deal with the hurt that matters. Embracing it and expressing our feelings will help us accept the break up and move on faster.
As you come to term with what has happened, you are bound to have both on and off days, where you go through an emotional roller-coaster. If you take your time and stay positive, figuring out how to deal with a break up will become easier everyday.