Manifesting Tip: Monitoring Your Thoughts Does Not Work

Aug 13


Maria Meiners

Maria Meiners

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When first learning about the Law of Attraction people often try to monitor their thoughts in order to manipulate their outer experience. This never works and can often lead to frustration or flat out giving up.


Have you been guilty of trying to be the "thought police?" 

In Law of Attraction we learn that thoughts become things so we try really hard to make sure we have only thoughts that support what we want to manifest.  Wow is that a draining and frustrating way to live!  We have literally millions of thoughts every day and there's no way we can monitor them all much less control them.

And guess doesn't work anyway!

You see,Manifesting Tip: Monitoring Your Thoughts Does Not Work Articles thoughts are not the cause of what is going right (or wrong) in your life.  They are merely a symptom of a deeper issue.  Our manifestations and the reality we experience are created by our emotions and the vibes we are sending out moment by moment.  Our thoughts are simply reflections of our inner state of being.

So yes, if you are having negative thoughts you will likely experience negative things in life.  But it's your underlying vibe that is causing those negative thoughts (and experiences), not the thoughts themselves.

Obviously it makes more sense to clean up the underlying vibe instead of trying to force your thoughts to jump in line.  A great way to begin doing that is to follow your thoughts and see where they lead you.  The next time a negative thought pops up, instead of trying to squish it how about getting curious instead.  Acknowledge the thought and ask where it came from.  Look at it from multiple angles and really try to understand its origin.

Is the negativity an old tape playing in your head?  Did someone say or do something to trigger a memory?  Are you really tired or very hungry (physical issues can affect your outlook on life)?  Are you overworked, frustrated because you're not getting an answer you want, or feeling oppressed?

The more you trace your negative thoughts back to their origin the more insight you'll gain into your true motivations.  And once you have that you can make a fundamental shift in attitude and you will find that your thoughts naturally follow suit.