This article will give you some simple and effective tips on how to get a woman like you. Get more chance to success with women by read all tips below...
For men and same with very men, you want have many girls around, most important lesson that you need to learn how to get a woman like you.
Don’t matter that is normal girl don’t so beauty at where you work or hot girl you meet at some case, always you must prepare yourself with some action make impression with these women before get them.
Help you don’t be stupid to make mistake you can avoid, this is few tips simple and you can follow to achieve results on how to get a woman like you.
Tip 1: Have good smell
Every woman also like guys has good smell and don’t need you have good look like top guys.
So you takes care yourself with clothes, shoes, clean, and good smell as you like. And make sure that you own good of yourself when you around some women you like then you will have good point of her.
Tip 2: Keep enough distance
This is one common mistake most of guys made when they meet their women like because they don't have any experience on how feel have a women around their life. That is first time they might have one, they will easy show up don't normal way that can make other feel afraid. I think you easy become one of them, so you need careful to remember this tips and learn how you can do with this problem.
Don’t make your girl feel you are boring guy because you around her all of time and control her private or hobbies. Show her enough your attention and don’t be follow her.
If you don’t control yourself, you will easy become person that need her, women don’t like that guys. You can spend enough time with her and focus time on do things improvement yourself as career, skill, hobbies and enjoy life alone with free time.
When you have some busy, and you show her with your priority time with her will make her want you more.
Tip 3: Do something like hero
Everyone special women like guys that have some action help them or other people that not every guy ready to do, that like hero of her. You ready to support something your girl hated, afraid to do… even it is little.
When you know the how to get a woman like you is one thing, that need you believe in yourself can get girl you want, practice best as you can to get more lesson, gain more confident and get results.
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