Taking Action – What Holds People Back
What is it that keeps people from taking action to make their dreams their reality? Often times a person, maybe even you, establishes certain goals to accomplish while even devising a plan and then go no further! Read more to see 3 common 'obstacles' that may stand in your way when trying to achieve your goals and how to overcome them!
What is it that keeps people from taking action to make their dreams their reality? Often times a person,
maybe even you, will establish certain goals to accomplish while even devising a plan and then go no further! One thing is for certain, to become successful at any endeavor you choose requires your full participation! The only way you can ever possibly expect to achieve your goals be they personal or professional is by 'physically' implementing any plans you may have made which calls for action to be taken!
Here are 3 common reasons why people tend to 'freeze' even with a plan in hand, which keeps them from enjoying the success they desire!
Fear of Failure
This fear is a very common one that typically keeps people from putting into motion exactly what is needed to become successful! It seems to matter very little how much preparation a person may invest after they establish certain goals to accomplish if they're consumed with the possibility of failure! Nobody likes to fail and especially if they've taken measures to ensure their success! Simply consider the feeling you can experience that comes after making the proper preparations and then still falling short of your goal! To put it nicely, it doesn't make a person feel too good about themselves therefore many chose to avoid even the 'possibility' of this feeling by not taking any action at all!
Loss of Hope
When the idea or process fails, the hope that went along with its expected success is now vanquished! Facing this fear is another barrier that tends to 'paralyze' people from pursuing their dreams no matter how well prepared they are! Simply having the 'glimmer' of hope is sometimes enough for some people and losing that feeling is more than they are willing to risk! Although it is always necessary to take specific actions to achieve your goals many remain satisfied with just the 'dream' that all their goals have been met! For many, hope is all they need or are willing to settle for, to keep them happy!
Reluctance to Commit
The achievement of anything is usually a 'process' that takes patience, effort and time! For some if not the majority, this is considered a commitment which of course means changes will need to be made! Strangely enough people tend to become 'comfortable' in their situation even if they wish for better! This reluctance to commit is yet another reason some people fear taking certain actions, even if it means they could possible become successful at what it is they are considering to pursue!
Taking action is the only feasible way you can expect to achieve your goals yet many hesitate to take this step! Even after establishing particular goals to accomplish along with a workable plan, people find themselves frozen like a deer in the headlights of a car! Our discussion above points out 3 common reasons many fail to take the necessary actions required to implement their own plan! By identifying these factors it hopefully becomes easier to 'blast' through these barriers allowing you to achieve your goals and therefore become successful!