Match your act with low-words to reach a new high in your sex life
Want your man to go crazy about you? Want to crank up the heat in your lovemaking? Well, talking is a surefire sexy way of doing it! Usually, women are not ready to be proactive in stimulating an almost barbaric explosion of passion during sex. They prefer to be passive and respond, not take the lead. This makes the man wary of suggesting anything that she may consider out of bounds. But when she does the suggesting, the couple achieves a totally different level of intimacy!
So, if you want to enjoy unimaginably pleasurable climaxes while having sex with your man, talk dirty and electrify the atmosphere!
Women should realise that men react most strongly to visual, auditory and tactile stimuli. That is, as far as sex is concerned, they like to look, touch - and hear! And when their visual, tactile and auditory senses are all pleasured at the same time, they are really - interested! Many women dress up - or rather, down! - for sex and they touch too. But if only they would also talk dirty, they would make sex really hot!
What exactly is sexy talk? It is just describing sex in as great detail as possible. Then the magic of sex passes beyond just sensation. But a woman has to be at ease with herself to arouse and enjoy eroticism with her partner. She cannot afford to be shy and reticent because everything depends on her sense of drama, her timing and the words she chooses. She has to go by the kind of relationship, she and her partner share and she needn't use words like 'pussy' and 'cock', if she isn't comfortable with them. She needn't use slang either.
But she should be mischievous and change her style as the situation demands. On the other hand, if she is not the kind of person to use words like 'pussy' and 'cock,' these words coming out of her mouth in a frenzied moment might just fling her partner over the edge!
Sexy talk entices only during sex. If a woman uses lewd words in her ordinary conversation, she only seems vulgar and not worthy of respect. During the sexual act, such talk acts as a sex toy does, as a verbal appetiser that you can bounce to the tune of. It acts as an hors d'oeuvre to tease your man and make him more horny.
One way of using sexy talk to make sex hotter is to explain your sexual fantasies, to your partner in explicit terms - your fantasies then act on him and he starts acting on you! You must go neither too fast nor too slow as you draw him verbal pictures of your flights of fancy. And you should be participating! Your word pictures won't have as much effect as they could, unless you are enjoying them too - even if they are pretty wacky! So, if you are masturbating or concentrating on what is happening between the two of you right then and there, and you start on your word pictures, the sex will be all the better! So, tell him what you want him to do, explain your sexual fetishes to him - and watch him become a raging bull!
You want him to pleasure you with words too? Then arouse him by being as descriptive as you can be. D...r...a...w your lewd words out. If you aren't comfortable saying words like the F-word, practise saying them before a mirror. Make a list of the words you want to use and say them again and again till they feel easy on your tongue. Does it feel funny? Does saying these words make you smile and laugh? Good! Mysterious smiles and husky laughter are ways of expressing your emotions, and it is good to express your emotions when you talk to your lover. That will turn both of you on!
You may feel that all this is strange, but just try it out. When writing about talking sexy in her book, Exhibitionism for the sky, Carol Queen says, "This is a beautiful art." She then asks women to practise talking sexy when they are doing things like masturbating so that they begin to associate it with their own sexuality. They then become comfortable with it and pleasuring themselves this way develops into a box of 'weighted down experiences.' Another point to be noted is that you should make your voice as sexy and as different from your normal tone as possible. Your normal voice will just put both you and your partner off because it will not fit into the mood of the moment. But a sexy tone can 'attack' your lover!
A sexy voice is a resonant, flute-like one. Practise it before trying it out on you partner. Remember, you must speak not from the throat but from the centre of you chest, powering the air with your stomach muscles. Stretch the muscles of your jaw, lips and tongue to relax your face. When you want to sound tender, speak in a softer tone and pitch your voice lower. Learn to make your sexy voice reverberate.
Try to speak a whole sentence like this, in a low whisper in a voice that is deeper than your normal tone. Once you have mastered that, try to speak louder while making your voice deeper. Next, practise humming while keeping your mouth closed. Then speak the same sentence in a low whisper, but with the same resonance as the hum.
After practising all these techniques, you will recognise the one that suits you and is nearest in sync with your lover's voice. It's important that your voice matches your lover's - or the mismatch might make one of you burst out laughing at the most inappropriate moment!
Once the practice is over and you have got going on the real thing, remember to talk in an unrushed tempo in your low and sexy voice. That way you will slowly lead your partner to new heights in his climax with the words you say. Match the tone, pace and rhythm of your voice to the words you are speaking. Your words will feed his aural pulse - and yours! - as explosively as gasoline feeds a fire!
Ask your partner just what he is feeling - and then give him optional answers to choose from! Adjust the timing and urgency of your words so that you keep pace with the action on the bed! You will find that the words just pour out and that you become aggressively creative!
Describe what you are doing right then. If you are caressing his thigh, describe it and how you feel as you stroke it. Use foul and graphic language. Then move on ... up his thigh... to his...and then talk sexy.. .about fellatio, for example!
Talk sexually and you can be sure of an exciting night of heady sex ahead of you. Become wild and wet and climb to the peak of the mountain of ecstasy!
And now, some bold and sexy women openly express their feelings about sexy talk...
Bianca is a bartender. She says, "I revel in arousing my man with sexy talk... and oral sex. My man just loves what I say and do. When I get down on my knees for him, he feels that he is a king and his reaction makes me more passionate. Of course, you should have oral sex only with a man whom you trust thoroughly." Nicole is a student and she says, "It is great when you can make your man squirm by using your mouth to talk and also to...! I love the feeling of control it gives me!" Toula is a self-employed homemaker. "I don't like oral sex but, with sexy talk, I am sure of getting what I want from my husband!" Linda is an accountant and she says that she really enjoys sexy talk combined with oral sex. "Some guys smell and taste really great! But I now like sexy talk and oral sex only with my husband."
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