When do I call her ? Experts say wait till 2 to 3 days then callbut what if you call and it went into voice mail. Should youleave a message ? Or call again later ?
Dear Friend,
First of all, blanket rules are rarely practical or effective.What's much more valuable to you is having the fundamentalunderstanding of where her head is at so you can judge foryourself and adjust to fit the situation. You have to have anadaptive system to decide these things for yourself. Let me give you some examples so you can understand what I'mtalking about: 1) You barely know her, and you got her phone number fairlyquickly. (Met her in a store or on the street.) She's a cold contact, and she's unlikely to remember you after acouple days. I'd call her between 48-72 hours after you met herso that the contact doesn't go too cold. She barely knows you, soyou are very suspect in her eyes until you've had a chance toestablish more attraction. Until then, you're no better than ablind date. Don't wait too long, or you'll stand almost no chanceof getting together with her. Make sure you go for a lightmeeting (coffee or a drink) to get things started. 2) You met her at a party or social occasion where you had anopportunity to interact for a while and establish some trust andrapport. She's a warm contact, and you've got some time here. I would notcall her until after 3 or 4 days, with 7 days maximum. You wanther to wonder where you are and why you haven't called. Ofcourse, this only works if you had a strong connection up front. 3) You know her from a common connection or setting (work,friends, same class, etc.) and you'll likely see her again there.OR she's very interested and you hit it off great right at thestart, including some likely buying indicators. She's a hot prospect, and you can wait even longer before youcontact her. In fact, if you met her in a setting where you'llsee her again, get her number, but don't call her until AFTER thenext time you see her. This will make her wonder if you're reallyinterested. This kind of wonder will only help you. The longerthe better, but don't wait TOO long. 10-12 days is about thelimit. As for voicemail, you never leave a message with a woman on yourfirst few phone calls. Why? Because you are giving your power over to her, because ifyou leave a message with her, for as long as it takes her to getback to you (IF she gets back to you) you'll be wondering abouther and thinking about her. And that deepens your emotionalinterest in HER more than it does hers in YOU. NEVER, ever leave a message with a woman, and especially on thefirst time you call her. Block your caller ID so she doesn't knowit's you calling, and try her again later. Don't call morefrequently than once a day. (She might be screening her calls,and that marks you as a freak when and if she decides to answerto find out who is pestering her.) The way to avoid this situation is to always find out when she'llbe available for you to call her when you first get her number.Then, if she's not there when you call and leave a message, youhave a reason to be concerned. She's raising a red flag for youbefore you've even gotten started, so you know that you need toput her on probation. Also, get her cell phone, since people are least intimidatedabout giving that number out (not as personal as a home phone),and you can be reasonably sure to get her if she's out.