We've all seen loads of books dealing with the nature and psychology of men and women. These books highlight the unfortunate difference between the sexes. But, there are certain striking mistakes which women make and get to face some unpleasant experiences in their relationship.
Expecting him to think like a woman
Men and women don't think the same way. In general, men are not as romantic as women. They don't see romance as a necessary prelude to sex, and they can divorce sex from their feelings in a way that perhaps most women can't. So there will be plenty of times when a man wants sex even if he isn't feeling romantic and connected to his partner. Think of it this way - men can enjoy sex with their partner whether they are feeling loving or not.
Not showing your sexual energy
Women who were brought up to be demure 'good girls' (ie non-sexual) may find it difficult to express the essence of their feminine energy during sex. And a lot of women also have problems expressing their anger, an emotion which can add real spice to the sexual union between men and women. This lack of sexual energy might appear as a reluctance to be the active partner.
Not experimenting with sex...
The saying has it that men think about sex ten times an hour - or is it a hundred? While some women have a high sexual desire, it's true to say that women in general are much less sexy than men when they're not in the bedroom. Men fantasise all the time. With such an active sexual imagination, it's not hard to understand why a bit of variation in the bedroom routine can keep a man happy.
Criticising him...
Criticism is an indirect way of saying that your needs are not being met. If you're judging his love for you on the basis of his ability to anticipate and meet your needs without you saying what they are, then you are wrong.
Controlling him by withdrawing sex...
One of the most unhealthy things you can do in a relationship is to use sex as a weapon. This means that you feel powerless, that you think withholding sex is the only way you can get what you want.
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