Home Security: Protecting Yourself and Your Family
As much as you may wish things were different, the fact is that we live in potentially dangerous times. No longer can you simply assume that home security is something for the ultra rich, or for those who live in sketchy neighborhoods. While it doesn’t do anyone any good to go into panic mode, living your life in fear, there is no reason not to take reasonable measures to protect yourself and your family.
As much as you may wish things were different,

the fact is that we live in potentially dangerous times. No longer can you simply assume that home security is something for the ultra rich, or for those who live in sketchy neighborhoods. Invasions, robberies, and burglaries happen every day in this country, often to people who never gave it a moment’s thought before it happened to them. While it doesn’t do anyone any good to go into panic mode, living your life in fear, there is no reason not to take reasonable measures to protect yourself and your family.
Without ever stepping foot in a home security store, you can take the first basic measures to protect your castle. The first measure is to make sure you have good locks on all of your doors and windows and that you put them to use. Will these locks keep out a determined, experienced criminal? No, but there is something to be said for lowering the level of opportunity. If the criminal is out for money, they are naturally going to look for the houses with the lowest risk and the highest chance of success. Locking your home up tight is the first step in making your house a more difficult target.
Motion lights and flood lights outside can make a big difference as well. Criminals prefer to do their work while drawing as little attention to themselves as possible (in most cases). When they step foot in your yard and the whole property lights up like the 4th of July, it may act as a deterrent. Beyond that, if you are home at the time, you’ll have advanced warning that someone is on your property. Granted, motion lights can begin to take on a “boy who cried wolf” feeling if every cat in the neighborhood sets them off, but they are better than nothing.
Of course, if you’re serious about home security, you need to go beyond the basics and visit a dedicated store. Cameras and alarms are the backbone of the industry and they can form the foundation of a very powerful and effective protection system. Cameras not only give you the ability to see who is on your property at any given time, but if they are recording they can aid the police should your house be the object of criminal behavior. Alarms are usually set to contact the local police or security agency when they are tripped, meaning there will be far less time between the point of attack and the arrival of authorities.