Favourite Hobby Sports
There are numerous action indoor sports that people can do professionally or just for fun as a part of their favourite hobby exercise. A lot of people almost can't imagine their lives without sport, and between winter when the weather is cold, they usually tend to do it in closed and warm veniues.
Most popular types of sports that are played indoors are of course basketball,

team handball, volleyball, indoor soccer and ice hockey. However, as sport can be very diverse, there are bunch of other sports that are played indoors and have very high value among both types of sportsman. Professionals and unprofessionals.
List of the most popular selections
- Indoor soccer (Futsal)
- Basketball
- Team handball
- Ice Hockey
- Volleyball
- Gymnastics
- Indoor cycling
- Indoor cricket
- Table tennis
- Badminton
- Boksing (Other fighting sports)
- Squash
- Snooker
My favourite hobby sports picks
As I like to do pretty much everything connected to sport, I don't have the absolute favourite. Some days I will like more indoor soccer, next day maybe basketball, and sometimes badminton or even table tennis. However fitness and running (jogging) are on my must to do list almost every day. Fitness actually became one of my favourite hobby lifestyles. If I should pick my favourite indoor sport then I would probably pick basketball. I always had the feel for it, actually - not importantly, but still interestingly - in high school my buddies used to call me ''steady hand'' as I didn't and still don't have any problems to score a few shoots in a row from downtown. But as I said before I really am a sporty person and I like to attend and watch pretty much every sport.
Equipment needed
Basically with indoor sports it is more or less everything simple. For sports like basketball, handball, indoor soccer, volleyball and almost every other sport you need just pair of sporting shoes, some shorts, t-shirt and most importantly - a ball. Most action indoor sports are played with the ball so without it you can't play them. Although most of this sports are cheap to do and play, I would say that especially gear for ice hockey can cost a dollar or two more than the gear that you use for lets say basketball. I don't know for sure if that is a global way, but in our local skating venue you can just rent some equipment, like pair of ice skates.