The putting stroke is one of the most important strokes if not the most important stroke when playing golf. So naturally if you want to improve your golf you need to improve your putting. One way to improve your putting is to place the ball in the correct position at address to ensure that you strike the ball at the optimum point with the sweet spot of the putter in the intended direction.
Ball position is as important in the putting stroke as it is in the full swing. This becomes clearly evident when you consider that a 300 yard drive counts just as much as a 5 foot putt. Therefore you have to ensure that your setup for a putt is correct so that you can hole this shot nine times out of ten.
The best position of the golf ball in the putting stroke is slightly forward of the center of your stance. The reason the ball should be positioned slightly forward is so that you place an ascending blow when the putter-face meets the ball. This imparts good forward role on your putts and and gives them the best chance of reaching the hole.
The ball should also be placed directly under your eyes at address so that you have the best perspective of the line from the ball to the hole. This will greatly improve your putting score as you will be able to line your putts up better and have more chance of sinking them.
Here is a simple drill to ensure the ball is placed under your eyes when you putt.
Adopt a comfortable putting stance and then drop the ball from the bridge of your nose. The place where the ball lands is the perfect ball position for you.
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