One of the misunderstandings is that long-distance running can replace warm-up activities. Muscles and joint tissue activities of body are not high, t...
One of the misunderstandings is that long-distance running can replace warm-up activities. Muscles and joint tissue activities of body are not high,

the flexibility of ligaments and stretching will also be obviously slowed down, the reason is that the exposure to the cold air will affect people's body. Without adequate warm-up activities, it is likely to cause muscle strain. It is not the whole story that if one wants to get a warm-up just through the method of running. There is the second myth, which is about clothes matters, or we can say, light clothes are not equal to speed. The body is under the condition of room temperature before sports, if you take off too many clothes, the cold air will do harm to lungs and bronchi as well as put negative stimulus on the stomach. The most serious thing is that it can easily lead to disease.
The third misunderstanding is that vigorous exercise can exercise your body further. There are strict demanding of body flexibility and strength for Vigorous exercise and combat sports. Body in winter is a litter stiff, if you carry out vigorous exercise, it is prone to hurt. The fourth myth is that do exercise early in the morning does not mean getting good results. It is easy to come up with the phenomenon of inversion layer actually and it is not good for all kinds of harmful gases and dust to diffuse. Especially in the air before sunrise, a lot of impurities and germs exist. In this movement in the air for a long time, chronic respiratory diseases can be caused. Furthermore, cardiovascular function in six o'clock is worse, if there is cardiovascular disease, it will be easy-to-onset
The fifth misunderstanding is that people should run through snow and shine. There are fogs in winter mornings, now and then and the air is seriously polluted. If you go exercise at this time, a lot of dust in the air, pathogenic microorganisms and other harmful substances will inevitably inhaled, can lead to chest tightness, difficulty breathing, severe cases can cause rhinitis, pneumonia, bronchitis, conjunctivitis and other diseases, and even lead to heart vascular disease. So we can draw a conclusion that it will be better to run in a pleasant weather. If air pollution index is high, it is not suitable for outdoor exercise.
The sixth misunderstanding is that it is more suitable for indoor sports than outdoor sports in winter. In fact, people accustomed to close windows and doors in winter, but indoor air pollution is often heavy, it is not suitable for exercising, although the warm temperature indoors. Doing exercise out of the room is a good choice, because when our body subject to the cold air, our body resistance can be strengthened. Furthermore, sunlight can make a contribution to the effect of disinfection, also can help the body to absorb elements of calcium and phosphorus. If the weather is not bad, pollution is not bad, it will be good for growing young soldiers to do exercise out of the room. The seventh misunderstanding is that physical exercise must be fast. In fact, the human body's muscle fiber is fragile; the bone density is also low in winter. Muscle strain and bone fiber fracture will appear through over exercise. If it comes to the worst condition, chronic muscle damage and fracture can be caused.