I have seen many people getting confused with the output of small wind generator and really it is a total misconception.
Actually its the speed of the wind, which is responsible for generating electricity for your home and whether you have installed a large or small wind generator hardly matters. So, depending on the space available in your courtyard or backyard, you can plan a suitable size wind generator and can start generating electricity from it regularly.
If your aim is to install a small wind generator and the average wind speed in your area is in the range of seven to ten miles per hour, you can generate electricity up to 1 kilowatt. Getting electricity at almost no cost from renewable source is quite possible and hundreds of thousands people are generating electricity from wind and saving their electricity bills up to 80 percent each and every month. A few people living in coastal areas or windy areas are generating electricity even from small wind generator in excess and selling the surplus electricity to state electricity-marketing companies.
Although you can get ready made small wind generator in excess of $2000, however if you can follow simple video instructions, you can build your own small wind generator within $ 200. You will not only saving huge money every month but you will be protecting our environment using green energy. So, hurry up and if you have not yet decided, decide quickly and build your own small wind generator
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