Business Features Impress On The New HTC Gratia
Anybody looking for a handset to handle business documents needs an application that enables a multitude of documents to be viewed and perhaps even edited. The Quickoffice application that comes installed on the Gratia has the ability to handle documents from many sources including Word, Excel and Powerpoint
HTC have acknowledged that not every consumers is looking for a large screen smartphone and that there is indeed a spac in the market for a more compact phone but one that still boasts many of the properties sported my its larger relatives. This is where we introduce the HTC Gratia,

a petite phone but one laden with some excellent features. Upon using the phone for the first time one of the applications that stood out most was the excellent organiser facility. Combine this with the phones portability and you have a model that may strike a cord with business users looking for a compact device that can act very much like a personal assistant.
Anybody looking for a handset to handle business documents needs an application that enables a multitude of documents to be viewed and perhaps even edited. The Quickoffice application that comes installed on the Gratia has the ability to handle documents from many sources including Word, Excel and Powerpoint, however if you do need to edit these documents then a separate application does need to be downloaded. A nice touch with this feature is its integration with Google GMail which makes the viewing of e mail attachments a simple affair. When it comes to organising your life the calendar application presents you with numerous ways of viewing your forthcoming schedule which are daily, weekly, monthly and agenda. Like most phones you have the ability to set a reminder for any appointment in the form of an alarm. Another application that may often overlooked but may prove invaluable to some users is the voice recorder function that transforms your mobile handset into a dictaphone, ideal if you need to quickly take notes to refer back to at a later date.
Another area of the HTC Gratia that may appeal to both business user as well as people who travel frequently is the built in satellite navigation system. Thanks to the phone operating on the Google Android operating system part of the package on offer includes Google maps. The Gratia utilises this fully as part of it navigational system and it gives up to date and incredibly accurate results. In addition to planning a route you wish to travel you can also pin point your current location if you find yourself lost in a strange town or city. The fact that the screen supports multi touch enables the pinch and zoom method to be used which is great for really zooming in on your current location. Google street view mode is perfect if you are on foot a want a virtual tour of the surrounding area. If you tend to use your phone more when driving rather than when you are on foot the device comes with a pre installed in car dashboard which presents you with large buttons that include items such as "Make Call", "Navigation" and "View Map".
It seems that the HTC Gratia will hold much appeal with business users in addition to the younger audience that is traditionally attracted to this brands devices. The office and organisation options are both comprehensive and easy to use whilst the navigational tool is always a useful accessory to have access to.
The HTC Gratia and the HTC Desire S are available now.