Do you ever think that getting a new lighting system could save you thousands of pounds. Well if your lighting a huge building or performance venue then getting some LED lights installed could literally save you thousands.
Cambridge Corn Exchange expects thousands of pounds worth of energy savings this year as a new stage lights installation proposal means that far less energy will be consumed - making massive savings.
Moving lights, which are worth £25,000 would only use up 4.8kw electricity per hour compared to the 48kw used by a static system, the system which the theatre currently uses. Moving lights would be a worthwhile investment and a great source of financial relief for the theatre and the council, who maintains the theatre.
This means that in just a few months the theatre could save £4,000 by using more efficient stage lighting! A remarkable saving all in the name of lighting, as well as being good for the environment too.
The council expects to meet to discuss the plans later this month.
The arts chief Rod Cantrill commented, “We are confident by investing in improved stage lighting we can attract a broader range of acts to the Corn Exchange and increase its income.”
Money saving lights are not a new idea. In fact, many families and larger businesses alike are seeing the benefits of switching to a more efficient way of lighting. Energy saving bulbs have been used in house hounds for around ten years now, and although some are dimmer than traditional bulbs, they are more energy efficient and intelligent. For example, many energy saving bulbs light up as they are turned on, rather than instant brightness. This means that it can adapt to the room and slowly release energy rather than wasting energy.
In order to see how you would benefit from more energy efficient lights and make massive savings, you should first calculate the current cost of your electricity.
Some utility providers can give you and your household a device which measures electricity in the home, when it is more used and so on. This allows you to figure out how much your lighting actually costs. You can then choose to switch some bulbs and see the impact this has on your savings. Also, being savvy in general about your electricity consumption is a good idea. Remembering to turn the TV off when you leave the room, keeping the heating on only when you need it, and having more insulated windows and doors installed will help you to track your energy efficiency more easily.
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