Your Playstation 2 may sometimes come up with a `disc read error` message. But it is easy to fix the problem with minor effort and little caution.
Playstation 2 is a popular gaming console. If you are lucky,

the gaming console won`t trouble you for 2-3 years, but sometimes, you will boot up your system and you will find an error message that reads: `Read Error`.
Sometimes, after the error message, you are able to play some DVD movies but you can never load some others, or you can play the PS1 games and not the silver coloured games of PS2. Such issues may not indicate serious errors and you can fix them with some minor adjustments with your Playatation 2.
However, when the issues look too big for you to handle, a few simple techniques can help you overcome these problems. Take a look at most of the common technical issues that your playstation2 gadget may be faced with.
Dirty and scratched disc:
Problematic discs are always main reason why you get `Disc Read Error` message on your Playstation 2 gaming console. The PS2`s laser bounces off the disc instead of reading the information if it finds dirt or scratch on the disc. While inserting the disc into your PS2, make sure that the disc is free of dirt or scratches. Bottled water and disc-washing detergent can be used to clean them up and then rinse them off.
The scratches are repairable. If cleansing the discs doesn`t work, you can use a wax-based furniture polish to fill in the scratches or you can select the option of buying a commercial disc-repair kit to get that done.
Cleaning the laser:
Sometimes, the dirt on the laser can lead to the error messages. You can get access the laser by opening the Playstation 2 case. Remove the disc tray after unscrewing all the screw and clean the laser-emitter. You can use cotton swans dipped in lens cleansing fluid o do this. After reassembling the case, turn the Playstation 2 on to test it by inserting the disc.
Laser ajustment:
Re-aligning the laser is another process if you fail to fix the error after cleaning the laser. Open the Playstation 2 case and you will find the laser wheel which is a hite plastic wheel with notches all around the rim. Adjust the wheel of the laser to its lowest level. Sometimes the discs work best in upright position. So try to place the system in vertical position putting it on the base.
There are some other complicated errors that are not easy to fix unless you are taking your PS2 to the authorized dealer. Of course there are some other problems that you can fix if you follow the PS2 repair guide.
The repair guide will provide you with all the details about fixing the gaming console along with the photographs of the system, tool lists and simple and sit by bit instructions about what you need to do. However, if your PS2 is under warranty, you should think of cracking the seal to fix the error.
While repairing your PS2 you will have to open some of the parts such as the, disc tray and work with some delicate parts of the system. So you must be careful about not bending or breaking any of the internal parts as you are taking the device apart.
However, remember that you are performing the action at your own risk. If you are not comfortable with any of the work, you better visit any authorized dealer. Don`t forget to unplug the console before opening the system.
The continuous developments in gaming technology are giving new makeover to gaming consoles. So it is better to follow the instruction given in the guides.