Apple's iPad has taken almost 10 years to appear, but it is now with us - although not yet available for sale. This half-inch thick device has a 9.7 inch touchscreen (1024 x 768) with an LED-backlit IPS display, and possesses several enhancements such as Bluetooth 2.1, a compass and an accelerometer. The A4 1 GHz chip was developed by P.A. Semi, but while the entire package may have been designed and marketed as the next 'new Apple thing', the product itself appears to be lacking in many respects.
Before it was released it was named the 'Apple Tablet' that reveals a bit about its original design plan, although its other names, viz. iSlate and iTab indicate that there are alternative perceived uses for the machine. It has been compared positively to Amazon's Kindle that is a dedicated ebook reader, and while there is no real reason to believe that the iPad has been designed specifically as an eBook reader, it is being regarded as such by many people.
So, is it or is it not? Should Amazon, Acer and others who have invested heavily in the eReader business be worried or simply stare in amazement at such a low-level entry into this highly competitive market? For that is what it appears to be - the iPad is certainly not a big player in respect of eBook readers, but neither is it a nonentity. It has some benefits, but by no means
could it be described as having the same initial impact as other Apple products such as the iPod or iPhone.
Nevertheless, the iPad is a genuine Apple product that is intended to meet a genuine need. It has been designed to do more than simply enable users to read books or browse through magazines, but enables more interactivity such as accessing the internet, calling up videos, viewing or importing photographs through its USB port or SD card reader.
As would be expected, it is managed by iTunes, syncing with your computer in the same way as the iPhone, the applications of which it can also run. A problem here is that the iPhone apps run in small windows, or in double-size but obviously pixilated. No doubt Apple will be working on dedicated iPad applications in time for sale. The operating system is iPhone OS 3.2 and not the OS 4.0 that many believed would be available by now. Possibly things will change by the time the device is available to purchase, and it also has to be said that OS 3.2 is not being used on iPhones as yet.
Prices range from $499 for 16GB to $699 for 32 GB, with an additional $130 for 3G and will initially be available in the USA only, even though the GSM micro-SIM enables international use. The gold portion of the micro-SIM is the same size as that of the mini-SIM, only the plastic is less, and there is also more room on it for emailing. If you want to use your existing SIM you could cut it to size at your own risk.
In expanding on the ability of users to access the internet by means of Wi-Fi and use the equipment more as mini-computers and access devices rather than as maxi-IPhones, Apple will improve the connectivity of customers while at the same time meeting their needs for easy to use portable eReaders and storage devices that can act as clocks and also alarms. The iPad will not be functional as a high quality reading device although Apple expects to sell 10 million within a year of release.
Although this optimistic forecast may or may not come to fruition, the device has some negative aspects. The backlighting, for example, introduces a degree of glare that will not persuade Kindle users to switch. As it is noted in the article "The Progress of eBook Readers in 2010", E-ink has gone a long way towards solving this problem, and the continuing development of both ink and e-paper technology by companies other than just Prime View International will lead to improvements in the appearance of eBook reader text and also in prices for the equipment (dbReaders). iPad's lack of Flash support is a drawback that is unlikely to be addressed later. So too is a lack of multitasking, so you can either compose an email or listen to music, but not both.
The overall impression is of a product that has yet to be completed, but that has the potential to spell the death of netbooks. However, there are too many negatives at the moment for it to present a serious threat to dedicated eReaders, laptops or even smartphones - yet! Apple is sure to have something up its sleeve that has yet to be revealed and a lot can happen before it is eventually put on sale to the public.Kid's First Contact Point With the Digital World
Berlin based company Young Internet launches iPad app “Grolly’s animal adventures”. The app has been already placed in the top 10 of book downloads in eight European countries for only several weeks of sales. Mihaela Schmidt, Senior Online Marketing Manager, tells about key components of the application success.OverDrive Reveals The Secret Of The Overwhelming Demand
OverDrive had three times more ebook checkouts during 9 moths of 2011 versus all of 2010. The company’s Director of Marketing David Burleigh tells about the main projects, which help to achieve these results.eBook Reader - the Best Gift For a Student
eBook Readers make people read more than before. Experts explain – people read at a faster rate on eReaders comparing to paperbacks. Possibly it could be that the reader has the ability to choose their preferable font size.