Viral Marketing and 100% Commission? Yeah, right! And the catch is?
Viral marketing is BIG. Huge. It refuses to lie down and keep quiet. And anyone serious about Internet marketing really must get their head around it, but no-one's so stupid that they're going to fall for a 'buy this for $X and get 100% commission (the same $X) for EACH sale', are they? What idiot could genuinely offer that and still expect to make a living from it?
Viral marketing is BIG. Huge. It refuses to lie down and keep quiet. And anyone serious about Internet marketing really must get their head around it,

but no-one's so stupid that they're going to fall for a 'buy this for $X and get 100% commission (the same $X) for EACH sale', are they? What idiot could genuinely offer that and still expect to make a living from it?Actually, it's scarily simple.Harvey Segal's Ultimate Supertip eBook does just that. What's more, this FREE eBook tells you exactly how to do it for yourself too! You are not asked for your email address; you do not get any annoying followup mail; you just get the eBook and you read it. Then you take a breath, blink a few times and read it again. Then you think "this is brilliant! There must be a whopping great catch!" and spend some time trying to figure out what it is.Here's the catch....Errr...nope. I couldn't see it either! So how does Harvey, the author of this free eBook, generate income from this idea? He practises what he preaches!That is: 1. He produces an informative eBook explaining his viral marketing techniques2. The book has strategic and non-intrusive references and links to his own products3. He gives the eBook away for free.4. Leads and sales are generated from the links in the textOnce you have this book you can use what it teaches you to create your own viral marketing campaign with your own product and it will have cost you nothing! Not even the surrender of your email address to an online marketeer.But that's not the end of Harvey's strategy. Why shouldn't you earn from someone else's product instead - or as well? After all, that's what affiliate programs do all the time.5. You read the eBook6. You get to the end and, believe me, by now you REALLY want to get in on this viral opportunity!7. You can!You can get to give this astonishing eBook away for nothing too!Huh?OK, that's sounds crazy. Let's look at what you've just done.You have read a free eBook which tells you about a blindingly simple viral marketing technique and you wanted in on it. You decided to give it a shot - after all, $10 isn't going to break the bank if it flops - and clicked the link to sign up.Here's the really clever bit. Now, when someone goes to get their free eBook by following YOUR link, it is YOUR PayPal (or other) account that gets credited with the $10 when your new reader also signs up! And all you need is the link. You do not have to host the eBook or modify it in any way. Harvey's site does all the work, you just rake in the cash. And Harvey gets the viral exposure from more and more people reading his book.Also, anyone signing up receives, along with a whole heap of other useful stuff, a nifty tool which makes it easy for you to sell or give away your own PLR material with instant rebranding for your purchaser so that they can then pass on or sell your material under their own name. Of course, your report or eBook has plenty of references to your own products and or websites too!Even if you decide to pass on the opportunity to participate in this program, get the eBook and invest 10 minutes of your time in reading it! Remember, it's free and you don't have to give up your email address to get it.Join in and get the viral marketing bug! I really wish I hadn't said that :-)Read more and download your free copy of The Ultimate Supertip Ebook HERE