Discover important Biblical Keys to find lasting freedom from emotional eating. losing weight, and living in optimum health. Learn how to build a strong emotional foundation that will create a new level of health for your spirit, your emotions, and your body.
Emotional eating is when you use food to comfort you, to be your friend in hard times, and to help you stuff down difficult emotions. If you are overweight, chances are you have some issues around emotional eating.
Most emotional eaters have tried many diets, and may have even lost weight. But because diets are totally inadequate in dealing with the problem of emotional eating, it isn’t long before you have regained the weight you lost and then some. This creates an even stronger cycle of emotional eating because you become depressed at your apparent lack of self-control and will power.
As believers in Christ, we have been given everything we need to overcome emotional eating. But it is not through a set of rules given by some diet, and it is not through trying to change yourself on the outside. What it is about is changing the way you think. The way you think about food, the way you think about “bad” emotions, and the way you think about yourself. The Bible says, ‘as a man thinks in his heart, so is he’. If you want to overcome emotional eating, you must realize that it is all about what is in your mind and how you think. If you change the inside, before you know it the outside will reflect a new you. A you that has climbed to a higher place of spiritual maturity and personal growth. A new place of freedom, a new place of joy, and a new place of overcoming! Not to mention a body that reflects the beautiful YOU that God created you to be!
The 10 keys I outline below are the steps God showed me as I began my own journey towards overcoming emotional eating. These keys are not “quick-fixes” for being overweight, but they are a sure foundation for anyone who has cried tears of frustration and regret over food choices that have left them unhappy with their size and with their health.
I hope this article has been a blessing to you and has imparted hope that you can change and you can be free from emotional eating. God bless you as you pursue a higher place of health and wellness.
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