While it would be ideal to make all of our own snacks and meals from scratch everyday, the plain and simple truth is that most of us simply don't have that kind oftime. This is where we turn to convenience foods to meet our dietary and weight loss needs.
However, the right convenience foods in the right amounts can easily be integrated into almost any diet.
TIP 1 - Shop Smart
Never shop on an empty stomach. This will only make itharder for you to make choices that are in your best interests. Always be prepared with a thorough shopping list and do not divert from it. If an aisle is full of tempting goodies but has nothing on your list, simply walk right by it, insteadof down it.
TIP 2 - Read Labels
All convenience foods are not the same. Depending on your chosen diet, some will fit much better into your routine than others. This is why it's important to become aninformed consumer and never place anything in your grocery basket unless you've read the label and determined it's in your best interests to buy it.
TIP 3 - Trim The Fat
Just because a macaroni and cheese frozen dinner is oozing extra cheese doesn't mean you have to eat it. A commonsense approach to preparing and consuming convenience foods cango a long way to making them healthier.When you take a frozen meal out halfway to stir it, remove or blot away any excess oils and fats. Transfer to a real plate when finished, so you can discard the excess sauces.
TIP 4 - Portion Control
It's easy to lose track of how much you've eaten when you drink or eat straight from the container. Stay on track by carefully measuring out serving sizes before you begineating.When you do buy items like chips or pretzels, locate the appropriate serving size on the nutrition label. As soon as you arrive home, divide the larger bag into individual servings in small plastic baggies.
TIP 5 - Make Your Own
There's no rule that says only store-bought, pre-packaged foods are convenient. Take time on the weekend or on days off to do some conscientious grocery shopping and cook one or two large meals of something healthy that you enjoy. Separate into serving sizes and refrigerate (or freeze) as necessary. Voila! Now you have your own frozen dinners (or lunches, or snacks) with much healthier contents.
In conclusion, choosing the ideal convenience food to helpwithweight loss is not a simple task in today's world of fast-paced living. But there sure are many helpful planning solutions available to fit every budget both online and in the real world. And by choosing foods to help with our individual health issues and concerns, and reaching out for support, information and dietary planning when needed, not one of us has to "go it" alone.
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