Releasing WAIT

Dec 25


Elaine Robinson, M.A.

Elaine Robinson, M.A.

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Are you waiting to lose weight before going on that vacation or something similar? Do you feel stuck in your weight loss or fitness program?


Releasing weight can be such a psychological roller coaster! So many people suffer needlessly when trying to lose weight. Why? Because there is so much inner struggle and turmoil. My mantra: if it were just about the food,Releasing WAIT Articles we’d all be at our ideal! 

Through the Spiritual perspective InnerSpect takes regarding weight release and body image, we work to help you move from this struggle and into flowing with what is (reality). We offer that you can begin your journey right now and leave all the excuses behind and work with what is and move toward what you say you want (your intention) in small steps. 

How many times have you ever postponed doing something that you would in actual fact like to do, and yet you place a condition on it before you’ll start? This will stop you in your tracks every time. For example, “When I release weight, then I’ll... (fill in the blank). Do you do this with other things too? When the kids are grown up, then I’ll... When I get that raise, then I’ll...  

As I’m writing this, I can think of a couple of things in my own life which I’m “weighting” for something to happen before I take my own next steps. It’s not very fun to admit. Why do I (and I suspect I’m not the only one here) do this? It’s because thinking about these things moves me out of my comfort zone and boy am I a creature of comfort! I certainly do not want to cause myself any undue angst, and yet this limiting pattern has so much to do with releasing WAIT. It’s about choice again. I can look at this at a deeper level and begin releasing the WAIT and all my great excuses as to why I shouldn’t move forward. Or, I can continue my pattern of comfort.  

Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result is a great definition of insanity.  

Another key for changing patterns is to commit for a specific time frame as in, “I commit for the next hour to not eat potato chips.” If an hour is too long, prune it down to a doable chunk. I’m willing to leave my comfort zone in this moment. Don’t make it hard (another human tendency). When I first began my own journey, I started out with, “For the next five minutes...” and I would have a timer out! Are you willing to leave your comfort zone for the day? Hour? Five minutes? Moment? What is your intention? 

InnerSpect works extensively with intention. I often ask my clients, “What is your intention?” One of the things I’m working with currently is getting more oxygen to my body when I exercise. How can set this up internally so that when I go to move on this outwardly, I’m lined up inside and have the motivation to continue? How do I do that? 

In order to create your intention to move forward with X (in my case, to get more oxygen to my muscles when working at my max heart rate) there are a few things you must do or take a look at: 

- Be willing. Be willing to do what? get off your position that you’re stuck. be wrong about what you think is true. leave your comfort zone. try something new, or from a new place inside. 

- Identify where YOU are WAITING in your life. Waiting for what?

...something to happen before you do X..

...wait for X to happen miraculously.

...something to change externally so you don’t have to deal with anything internally. 

- Identify other choices you could make instead (no commitment or agreement required – just identifying other choices you could make if you chose to that would be more supportive and nurturing.) 

- Acknowledge yourself for being open to new information and a new way of looking at WAIT. 

Take a moment right now and create an intention relating to your weight release & body image journey. It doesn’t have to be grandiose. What direction do you want to move forward in? You could also do this with anything else that you are challenged with presently in your life.

I invite you to release the WAIT. 

Food for Thought “Nuggets” for Releasing the WAIT

  • If it were just about the food, we’d all be at our ideal! 
  • Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result is a great definition of insanity. 
  • What is your intention? 
  • Be willing to get off your position that you’re stuck. 
  • Be willing to be wrong about what you think is true. 
  • Be willing to leave your comfort zone. 
  • Be willing to try something new, or from a new place inside. 
  • Identify where YOU are WAITING for something to change externally so you don’t have to deal with anything internally and then identify other choices you could make instead. 

Until next time, all the best, 

Elaine Robinson 

InnerSpect “Weight Release & Body Image” Coaching

Facilitating Healthy Weight Release & Positive Shifts in Body Image 

P.O. Box 4092

Mountain View, CA 94040

(650) 938-1222