Adopt a Publicist's Mindset to Achieve Stardom

Jan 2


Anne Marie Baugh

Anne Marie Baugh

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The first paragraph of this article serves as a captivating summary, inviting readers to consider their own potential for stardom. Have you already chosen your outfit for the Oscars? Have you rehearsed your acceptance speech? These are the questions that should be swirling in your mind, the playground of imagination where we will explore the power of publicity.

The Journey to Stardom: More Than Just Glitter

We often imagine that the path to the Oscars is paved with razzle-dazzle,Adopt a Publicist's Mindset to Achieve Stardom Articles sparkle, and shine. However, the reality is less about glitter and more about meticulous planning. The journey begins with a dream, followed by hard work, a series of disappointments to test one's resolve, a string of small victories, and finally, publicity. As business people, we often overlook the importance of planning our own personal Oscar night.

The Power of Publicity

The key ingredient that we often miss is publicity. While marketing puts you in front of your target market to make a sale, publicity is the spotlight that solidifies your mass appeal as a popular expert in your field. You drive marketing to your buyers, but publicity drives the masses of buyers to you.

Shifting Focus: From Marketing to Publicity

When you've been focusing on marketing, it can be challenging to shift your paradigm to publicity. The crucial difference between the two lies in your target audience. Instead of pitching to buyers of your product or service, you're now pitching to the media, specifically editors and producers. They're looking for a unique, inspirational, motivational, newsworthy, or educational story. Nothing else will suffice.

Thinking Like a Publicist: Finding Your Unique Story

To succeed in the media, you need to think like a publicist and find your unique story. If you don't have a story, it's time to create one. What sets you or your business apart? It could be an attitude, an event, your wit, your way of thinking, what you care most about, or how you integrate your values into your business. Only you can find it, but rest assured, it's there.

Exploring Your Unique Angles and Media Curves

Start exploring your unique angles and media curves by jotting down your thoughts and attitudes. It doesn't matter how you do it, as long as you devote time to exploring your "story" - not your ad, price, or product, but your story.

Making Your Pitch: Treating the Media with Respect

Once you've found your unique media offerings, identify the right avenues to make your pitch. Remember, the media should always be treated with goodwill and respect. This is not the time for a hard sell. Make your pitch, respect their time and decision, and work towards building long-term relationships. In the end, you'll have the kind of contacts that you can casually mention at parties, and you'll be a star - a star with the mind of a publicist.

See you at the Oscars!

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