How to Hire Employees with Staying Power

Mar 22


Lisa Green

Lisa Green

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When one out of every four sales hires ends up being a bad choice, it’s time to reevaluate the hiring process.


 How to hire employees who are top sales people can be challenging enough. Those great hires are even more valuable when you manage to entice employees who perform well and stay.

You can learn how to hire employees with both top-performance results and company loyalty. Successful sales recruiting requires some sweetening of the pot and engaging promotion.

Sales Recruiting 101

Hire the best sales performers with the promise of significant rewards and a supportive work environment. Be committed to following through with those promises throughout the employee’s career with your company,How to Hire Employees with Staying Power Articles as long as budgets and other circumstances allow.

·         Compare and contrast with what the competition is offering. If you can add to your benefits in even small ways, you might attract better sales candidates. Sales people who crave the best rewards for top performance will go where the offers are golden.

·         How to hire employees with staying power also means thinking carefully about which personalities will best compliment your sales manager’s. Building a strong work relationship with a supervisor will be valuable toward an employee’s long-term success. Know how to take interview questions that will show the personality traits this candidate would bring to the team.

·         Use enticing language in your job post advertising. A little bit of wooing can go a long way in attracting loyal employees who will bite your hook. There’s a fine line between how to hire employees with skills and how to hire employees with a fire in their belly to blow your sales goals out of the water for the perks and recognition it brings.

·         You would probably hesitate to marry someone before you’d ask them a series of important questions over a series of dates. Sales recruiting should be treated the same way. Never hire someone after only speaking with them once. Asking a lot of questions over several interviews helps you whittle the short list down to employees who are serious about long-term employment and extended career opportunities.

·         Know ahead of time exactly what you expect of the new hire. Be able to tell them your thoughts about what makes a good salesman for your company, so you can both decide if they fit the bill. Eliminating job duty surprises before the job begins helps the new hire trust you right from the start. Trust is a great reason to stay with a company for many years.

How to hire employees with staying power requires having a reward system in place for the long-term. You might know how to take interview questions that will bring in the talent, but without a reward system they can count on you’re not likely to keep top sales people for long.

Know the difference between what makes a good salesperson for your product and what makes a good salesperson for your company’s long-term future. Then you’ll hire employees with staying power and the stuff great sales teams are made of.