Your Mompreneur Check-Up
As moms, we understand the need for regular medical and dental check-ups to make sure our family is in tip-top shape. What about mompreneur health? Ha...
As moms,

we understand the need for regular medical and dental check-ups to make sure our family is in tip-top shape. What about mompreneur health? Have you scheduled a check-up lately? Here are three must-ask questions to consider as your review your family and business health:
1. Are you a business-first family or a family-first business? This is always the first question I ask any client. A business-first family is one that priorities business activities before family. For example, a new start-up entrepreneur may have the responsibility of putting in extended hours at the office to get the business up and running. Or, a solopreneur parent may have a deadline that requires that immediate attention. A family-first business is one that can take a few steps away from business to enjoy family pursuits. This is the entrepreneur who can leave the office at 4:00 to coach his son’s soccer team. Or the mompreneur who can “play hooky” a day or two to spend a guilt-free summer day at the beach with the kids. Neither is better than the other and both are crucial in setting the stage for how priorities are established. The key here, though, is to communicate as a family and as a business as to which you are. This should be done no less than every six months. Neglecting it can leave frustration, guilt, anxiety and anger at home and in the office.
2. What’s your mission at home? In business? When was the last time you looked at your business mission? Wait, let me ask this first: Have you created a mission for your family? If not, do it now, and do it before you review your business mission. A mission is a proclamation of your purpose. It helps to direct your life, decisions and experiences. Creating and revisiting your mission both at home and in business allows you to align the elements of your life to move forward in harmony.
3. Does your family and business have a three, five and ten-year plan? Face it, quite often the only planning that is often done when it comes to families – and a lot of businesses, too – spans about five days…maybe. Short-term planning (anything under 12 months), though, won’t yield you any long-term results. Take responsibility to sit down with your family and determine your three-year, five-year and ten-year plans. Where do you see yourselves? Once complete, take that same care to create a long term vision for your business. With the family plan as a blueprint, determine where you see your business in three-, five- and ten-years.
© 2009 Julie Watson Smith