Resolving “Database is corrupt -- cannot allocate space” Lotus Notes Error
Are you unable to open your NSF (Notes Storage File) of IBM Lotus Notes email client? Are you getting “Database is corrupt -- cannot allocate space” e...
Are you unable to open your NSF (Notes Storage File) of IBM Lotus Notes email client? Are you getting “Database is corrupt -- cannot allocate space” error while opening the Lotus Notes database? Well,

this problem is caused by database corruption. After corruption, Lotus Notes can not read data from the database and it becomes totally inaccessible. This behavior leads to critical data loss situations and requires Lotus Notes Recovery to work around the problem, if a valid backup is not in place. As a practical example of this problem, you may come across the below error message when you try to open the NSF file after moving the file out of the directory and then back again:“18/02/2006 12:32:31 PM Database Fixup: Started**** DbMarkCorruptAgain(Both SB copies are corrupt), DB=f:\pmktfiling2004.nsf TID=[0DA4:0002-0D14] File=dbsuper.c Line=398 *** 18/02/2006 12:32:32 PM Unable to fixup database f:\pmktfiling2004.nsf: Databaseis corrupt -- Cannot allocate space18/02/2006 12:32:32 PM Database Fixup: ShutdownC:\Program Files\lotus\notes>ncompact f:\pmktfiling2004.nsfThe ID file being used is: C:\Program Files\lotus\notes\data\Ap050214.idEnter password (press the Esc key to abort):**** DbMarkCorruptAgain(Both SB copies are corrupt), DB=f:\pmktfiling2004.nsf TID=[0D90:0002-0D40] File=dbsuper.c Line=398 ***18/02/2006 12:33:14 PM Database compactor error: Database is corrupt -- Cannot allocate spaceDatabase is corrupt -- Cannot allocate space”After this behavior of Lotus Notes application, the NSF file becomes totally unusable and inaccessible. To gain access of your significant data in such cases, you need to identify the cause of this problem and fix it using NSF File Recovery solutions. Root of the problem:As stated in the above error message, this behavior may occur if your NSF file is corrupt. Corruption can be caused by various reasons, such as virus infection, improper system shutdown, application malfunction, and more. Solution:To Repair NSF File in such critical situations, you need to restore the database from the most recent backup. If backup is not in place, use commercial NSF recovery tools. The Lotus Notes Recovery software are specifically designed to scan entire database using powerful scanning algorithms and restore all the inaccessible data. The applications come equipped with simple and interactive graphical user interface to offer easy recovery. Stellar Phoenix Lotus Notes Recovery is the most efficient utility to successfully repair and restore corrupt NSF File in all cases of corruption. The software works well with IBM Lotus Notes 7.x and 6.x. It restores all corrupt items from Lotus Notes database, such as emails, notes, tasks, contacts, journal, and attachments.