Here are a few tips to help your write an effective radio commercial. The bottom-line fact still remains, the more talented the copywriter, the better quality of the commercial.
When you enter the copy department of a radio station you see stress and creativity intersecting to form a radio commercial. This is an art form that is developed over time. When I was nineteen, there was an opening in the copy department of the regions number one station. The commercial load was heavy. It goes without saying, the station with the most ads is typically the favorite station. Advertisers need to reach the perspective consumers, and the best value for your advertising dollar is always with the most popular stations. The real test of the stations excellence is the copy department.
Scott Radio ( is a voice and script writing professional with over twenty years experience has the understanding required too write effective radio commercials. Handing copy to your radio personalities and then saying a prayer that it “turns out” acceptable to the advertiser is sadly a common occurrence in many stations.
Here are a few tips to help your write an effective radio commercial. The bottom-line fact still remains, the more talented the copywriter, the better quality of the commercial.
First, know your voice talent. Writing a script for a “Italian accent” without having someone on your staff who can effectively perform such an accent, renders the commercial a failure. Second, keep it simple. Too many commercials lose the intent with long explanations. You need to give the listener credit that after hearing the commercial, they will catch on. Third, never look back. Keep the commercial forward thinking. Positive. Finally, the object of the commercial is to sell. Ask for the sale. The commercial was sold to an advertiser by a sales representative who had to ask for the sale. Most copy writers spend all their time being creative with ideas. The exceptional radio copywriters spend the bulk of their time being creative on how to ask for the sale.
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