The days of overt name calling or shouting the candidates name in hopes of making an impression with the voters is over. With so many listening options outside the commercial radio market, candidates and special interest groups will demand much more from the writers than before.
The challenge for the 2006 election season is to write radio scripts that touch the heart and not deflect off the shield that surrounds the soul of most voters. The conditioning of the mind has been evolving since the first political radio commercials. The challenge for the writer is obvious. Be subtle in the approach. The days of overt name calling or shouting the candidates name in hopes of making an impression with the voters is over. With so many listening options outside the commercial radio market, candidates and special interest groups will demand much more from the writers than before.
Scott Radio ( a radio political voice and script writing organization conducted a survey of over five hundred radio listeners in a quest to understand the mindset or comfort zone of the average radio listener. Some of the discoveries were as follows: First, the tolerance level for commercials is eroding. Fifty percent of those surveyed stated that they have a quick “trigger” to avoid commercials. Second, the survey revealed that for political radio advertising specifically, the over saturation by candidates during the campaign is reason enough to avoid commercial radio. Finally, the research shows that candidate bashing is what the cable news shows do each day in such detail that for a candidate to spend time on the negative issue radio advertising in pointless. The content of the commercial usually outdated. The American public is now quick to find resolution to an issue. They no longer wait for someone else to assess guilt or innocence. They frame their opinion and only when presented overwhelming evidence to the contrary do they waiver. They take pride in being stubborn on political issues, because they can be.
To spend money advertising issues or negative commentary about an opponent now runs the risk of being old copy, as the voter has most likely formed an opinion before the commercial is produced. By the time the political attack ads make the commercial rotation, a new issue will have surfaced. There is a much better way. has discovered it.Google Adwords TV - Survival Guide
With no help from Google. No operator to answer your call. No customer service person will respond to your email. You are on your own. Google Adwords TV is an effective way to affordable advertise our product to a national audience, but the hours you spend failing may not be worth it. We offer our suggestions for success with Google Adwords TV.Cable Television Advertising: A Game Changer in Local Elections
Cable television advertising has proven to be a potent tool in local political campaigns, offering a cost-effective method to reach targeted demographics and influence voter behavior. This was vividly demonstrated in the 2010 election for the Sacramento California Democratic Central Committee, where Bruce Pomer utilized a strategic cable TV ad campaign to secure a committee seat, outperforming traditional campaign methods.Navigating Political Media Purchases on a Shoestring Budget
In the high-stakes world of political campaigning, managing a limited budget while maximizing media exposure is a daunting challenge. As election day approaches, the scramble for affordable yet effective advertising slots intensifies. This article delves into the complexities of securing media space with constrained financial resources, offering insights into innovative strategies that can help campaigns achieve visibility without breaking the bank.