We all don't know how to keep a conversation going at some time. Don't worry, keep these five must talk-about topics in your back pocket and you'll be ready for every awkward silence and pregnant pause that comes your way.
We all get backed into a corner every once in awhile. Do conversations sometimes take you in directions you did not foresee, often stalling prematurely because you simply ran out of things to discuss? Don't worry, keep these five must talk-about topics in your back pocket and you'll be ready for every awkward silence and pregnant pause that comes your way.
#1 - Ask about your partner's job or school. Ask open-ended questions about how a particular assignment or project is going for them. Offer any advice you have to assist, but be sure to listen to what they have to say. People spend most of their time at work or in school so it only makes sense this is a great topic to keep a conversation alive.
#2 - Discuss mutual hobbies or interests. Discovering common ground is a great way to keep a conversation going with girls or guys. If each of you enjoy public speaking, baking, or watching the Yankees knock over their opponents, try to move the conversation there as casually as possible. Find topics of mutual interest and you'll develop effective social skills and easily make friends.
#3 - Ask about any people that both you and your conversation partner know. This is a great opportunity to not only keep the conversation moving, but to reinforce the common bonds that you and your partner have in common, making it less likely that your partner will abandon the conversation prematurely.
#4 - Ask if your conversation partner has traveled abroad. Most everyone has traveled somewhere, or at least wants to. Use this as a spring board to discuss your own travels, or
anywhere you are interested in traveling to. For follow ups, consider any less than ideal trips you have taken, or places you have been that failed to live up to your
#5 - Discuss some event that is currently making headlines. Every one absorbs at least vague details of the major events of the world, and usually every one has something to say about it. Bring up some event or news item and ask for your conversation partner's opinion or thoughts on the matter. Be careful to avoid extremely controversial items - such as politics or religion - but most other topics can be easily talked about.
No matter the topic you choose to keep a conversation going with a boyfriend, girlfriend, stranger - or whoever it is - don't wait for the person to keep the conversation alive. People with good conversation skills proactively move their conversations forward and as a result, they're the ones who effortlessly make friends and get the respect they want. So can you when you continue to build your communication skills.
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