Getting back with your ex can be difficult, if you go about it making the wrong decisions right from the start. Get back with your ex by implementing a simple step by step plan.
To get back with your ex does not need to be very complicated, but people there tend to make wrong decisions because they dismiss their logic or common sense and react according to their emotions.
Here are five quick and easy steps you can take to put you back on the right path.
First Step
Instead of pleading and trying to persuade your ex to give you another chance, you must allow them the space they need. Constantly trying to contact your ex will become irritating to them, and will ultimately push them further away.
Be calm and supportive without being too emotive and despairing. Your goal in this step is to give yourself and your ex some time alone, some calming time.
Second Step
Live your life as normally as you can. You have to make choices that make you feel good about yourself. Go out, see friends, go to the movies, read a good book etc. Otherwise you will become obsessed with the thought of not being with your ex and continue to keep trying to beg them to take you back. You can't change the events that led to the break up with your ex, but you can control your own experiences now, and work on a solution to prevent those events from happening again. Your goal in this step is to stay upbeat and positive so you can have a clear mind to reflect on what caused the break up, and what you can do to prevent it in the future.
Third Step
Gradually and slowly you can reconnect with your ex in subtle non aggressive ways. You can suggest to take your ex out for coffee in an open public environment, perhaps a food court in a mall, or some place similar that will make your ex feel less pressured into being alone with you. Give your ex the impression that you are happy and have an optimistic outlook, and you feel good about yourself. This is the person they fell in love with to begin with, not the person with all the desperation and despair. Your goal in this step is to allow your ex to like you as another person, and not as an ex lover. To become friends with your ex again.
Fourth Step
After a while, when things are going well and you have become good friends again, invite your ex to dinner in a more intimate surrounding such as a romantic upscale restaurant. I suggest using a holiday or special occasion as a reason for the dinner invite. Bring a small gift such as a book by their favorite author. Keep your conversation casual but fun, bring up some past fond memories the two of you spent together that will make your ex laugh. End the dinner with a sincere thank you, and go home. Your goal in this step is to get your ex thinking about the good times you had together, and how things would be if the events that led to your break up had not of happened.
Fifth Step
Immediately after your dinner date, (meaning within the next day or two) invite your ex to a casual lunch. This is when you can suggest the possibility of getting back together. Let me repeat that SUGGEST THE POSSIBILTY OF GETTING BACK TOGETHER! Do not ask your ex if he/she will take you back, and certainly do not plead. Explain to your ex that during this time that the two of you have been broke up, you have had time to go back through the events that led to the break up. You have a full understanding of what happened, and you know how to prevent it from happening again. Your goal in this step is to reach this goal.
You see your ex is not interested in your apologies, or your promises, or your pleading. Your ex wants to know you have a clear understanding of what happened that led to the break up, and that you know what to do now to prevent it from happening again. After you have gone through the first four steps, your ex is going to be open to listen to what you have to say. Make sure you do indeed have a clear understaning of what led to the break up. Don't just guess BE SURE. This is what your ex wants from you right now if your going to get back together.
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