Top 10 Email Marketing Tips to collect Opt-in email list
Email Marketing should be targeted on Confirmed opt-in (COI) list to avoid SPAM issues. Increase your COI by considering powerful email list building techniques.
What is Opt in e-mail?
Opt in e-mail is subscribed mail to a company/site email announcement.
Top 10 Email List building techniques
1. Show subscription form on your web pages
2. Add a subscription option your blog sign-up
3. Free tips/ lessons page with subscription option
4. Product trial download with subscription option
5. Survey option with valid email required to complete.
6. Feedback option with valid email required to complete
7. Tell a friend option with valid email required to complete
8. Add a subscription option in your forum sing-up
9. Any vouchers or coupons you use in your adverting should be redeemed with a registration form with valid email.
10. Collect email addresses from your email account with those who have already enquired about your products or services
Unconfirmed opt-in
A new subscriber first gives his/her address to the list software (for instance,

on a Web page), but no steps are taken to make sure that this address actually belongs to the person.
Confirmed opt-in (COI)
A new subscriber asks to be subscribed to the mailing list, but unlike unconfirmed opt-in, a confirmation e-mail is sent to verify it was really them.
Making new innovative product might be an easy task; however, reaching the targeted customers about your new product is very difficult.
The best and must needed marketing for any kind of product or service is email marketing. This works from day one of your online business. Direct email marketing is one of the powerful online marketing solutions for any kind of business or products. You need powerful email marketing software to deliver your valuable newsletters to your subscribers (opt-in list collected above).
Start your email marketing today with Email Marketing Software Express to reach your subscriber.
Good luck for your Email Marketing Success !